The Many Faces of Paul

Discover some of the major events in Paul's life and identify the different personas he adopted while spreading the gospel to every corner of the world.


When you think of Paul, perhaps one of the following comes to mind: famous Christian convert, prolific biblical author, influential Christian teacher and leader, apostle to the gentiles, or miracle worker. But who was Paul, really? What was his life like, what did he teach, how did he act, and what was most important to him? In this course, trace some of the major events in Paul’s life and explore the different personas he adopted in order to reach the ends of the earth with the gospel message. Discover a man who truly believed and lived the idea that there is nothing better than the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Provide a brief overview of Paul’s life and explain why understanding his life and teachings is valuable to the believer.
  • Describe each of the following personas of Paul: rabbi, philosopher, apocalyptic, mystic, missionary, pastor, and mishpat.
  • Explain what we learn from each of Paul’s personas.
  • Identify each of Paul’s personas in various pieces of Scripture.
  • An easily accessible course at a basic level. Yet not inane, for it presents Paul in terms of different personas, which is refreshing. Dr. Dodson speaks the language of the young people. His illustrations, especially those drawn from his son, are interesting and creatively original.

    — Leong, Singapore
  • Well worth your time if you are looking at growing as a disciple of Jesus.

    — Brigitta, South Africa
  • After taking this course, I'm excited to learn more about Paul, his journeys and his letters. Thank you for a great learning experience.

    — Terri, United States
  • Dr. Dodson was so easy to listen to. He brought life and energy to each lecture. I liked how he included personal examples as well. Excellent course!

    — Margaret, United States
  • Very good.

    — Independence, United Kingdom
  • I found that I really had to rely on the transcript to keep things straight. The oral presentation was very speedy and sometimes difficult to follow. Most times the assessment reflected the lecture but there were a couple of instances where the 'correct' answer was not the answer gathered from the information shared.

    — Lauren, Canada
  • It was a great course. Enjoyed it and learned a lot from its perspective.  

    — Curt, United States
  • The writing style of the lecturer was interesting & entertaining. Enjoyed the different roles of Paul being explained. Good informative course.

    — Rebecca, United States
  • Extremely excited to find this topic on the Apostle Paul through Our Daily Bread email today when I am scheduled to speak at our first Missionary Service starting back at my home church post-pandemic. Incidental finding? I think not. GOD knows how I have searched and researched for the "right information" to share tomorrow. This was truly Holy Ghost led for which I am grateful!  

    — Cassandra, United States
  • This is a very good assessment of Paul, it has showed me how better to read and understand his epistles.

    — Kevin, United States
  • Great course. Thank you so much for offering it.

    — Sidney, United States
  • I did not relate as well to this lecturer as I did with others, especially in his speech and expression, maybe because of the generation gap.

    — Ilse, United States
  • Very well thought out. Maybe apocalyptic Paul could segue into eschatological Paul when he was addressing the church at Thessalonica for fear that the Day of the Lord had taken place.

    — Phillip, United States
  • I enjoyed this.

    — Steph, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • Great course - very insightful. A blessing!

    — Schalk, South Africa
  • Really enjoyed this course, thank you!

    — Toni, South Africa
  • I truly enjoyed learning about the different personas of Paul. It helped me to identify with his teaching style and to understand what he meant when he said, I became all things to all men for the sake of the gospel. Paul inspired me to have that same energy to reach the others for Christ. The format was inviting and gave me a desire to want to learn more. Thank you for the opportunity to learn how to share the gospel.

    — Paulette, United States
  • It was interesting to learn of the any personas of Paul which has made me realise there was more to Paul than we know. I am hoping to continue my studies of Paul.

    — Aileen, Australia
  • I enjoyed this course very much learning about the different Paul's and how they affected his message.

    — Aileen, Australia

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Course Details

  • Low Effort
  • 5 Lessons
  • 13 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

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Joseph R. Dodson, PhD

Course Provider

Denver Seminary

Course developed in collaboration with Denver Seminary.