Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums Describe, in your own words, the significance of the meaning of the word “Bethlehem.”


  • Susan Keeney

    05/19/2023 at 06:32

    My thoughts are how Bethlehem means ‘house of bread’, and that place as the birthplace of Jesus, gave the world the ‘bread of life – Jesus. His body was broken for us – in communion that is what the bread represents. His birth in ‘the house of bread’ gives His life beginning there an even deeper meaning. He IS the bread of life, born in ‘the house of bread.’

  • Johann

    05/13/2023 at 08:36

    Bethlehem, ‘house of bread” – birthplace of Jesus Christ, from whom we are assured that we need not fear. He is the bread of life; His body and His blood are for us. Bethlehem – life giving place with its grain products, also the place where so many biblical stories played out.

  • Ken

    11/25/2022 at 14:10

    The “house of bread”, as the translation of Bethlehem means in English, is significant because we all need food to survive. But even more significant is the fact the Jesus, “the bread of life” was born there to provide us with spiritual bread to survive spiritual death.

  • Beth

    11/04/2022 at 20:24

    Bethlehem means “house of bread.” Jesus was the bread come down from Heaven, so it is a picture of Him.

  • Veronica Vandervliet

    09/26/2022 at 16:37

    When we pray, ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ it is not just food that is in view. God knows our needs and draws us to the place where we ask, and He provides. ‘Bethlehem’, ‘House of bread’ is symbolic of that place of provision.

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Christian Learning Center Forums How did the events that took place in Bethlehem related to Ruth, David, and Jesus compare to God’s provision for mankind?


  • Hobe Ewing

    08/28/2022 at 18:40

    God provided the each of these people to meet their specific need. Ruth needed care: Boaz met that need. David needed to be in the blood line of Christ, and Samuel was used by God to anoint Him King. Christ came to expand that blood line so that each person alive would have an option for salvation. All three elements were necessary to trace God’s love and salvation from the Creation.

  • Joyce Roberts

    08/27/2022 at 09:27

    In God’s Word we find that the references to the city of Bethlehem also include great HOPE. Each mention includes God’s expression of salvation for His people – far more than simple liturgical effect. There is the physical salvation for Ruth when she is given grain and saved from certain starvation, and there is the emotional salvation when she is taken in to Boaz’s home as his wife. When David is crowned as the next king, the whole nation of Israel will be saved from the suffering they have endured under Saul. Then, the angels comfort the shepherds with the promise of a SAVIOR who is Christ the Lord. This savior, who was born in the town of Bethlehem, will save HIS people from their sin and provide eternal SALVATION to all who believe. These events in Bethlehem beautifully demonstrates God’s LOVE and eternal provision for mankind.

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