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Christian Learning Center Forums In his letter to the Romans, how does Paul justify that the Jewish people should accept Christ?


  • Audrey Lyons

    01/19/2022 at 18:08

    Paul explains that the old law is not enough and only Christ’s blood can wash away our sins. No works or sacrifices could earn us God’s acceptance. The law was meant to prepare the Jews for the coming of Christ.

  • Ken

    01/08/2022 at 14:53

    Paul uses the Old Testament as a basis to teaching that the Law was never meant to save anyone but rather to point to the fact that no one could ever live by the standards of the Law 100% of the time thereby failing and falling “short of the glory of God”. He says that the Law required a sacrifice in order to cover their sins but in was faith in God that would make them right before God, not the Law or the sacrifices. He declares that Christ was the complete sacrifice to bring redemption and salvation to the Jews.

  • Nina Aloway

    08/04/2021 at 15:41

    By revealing to the Jews the purpose of the law. The purpose of the law was to bring conviction and prove guilt, not for justification. The Jews could never obtain the righteousness of God by works. Paul also reveals that all have sinned, thus only way to be justified for both the Jews and gentiles is through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Nabile Depraect

    07/21/2021 at 21:15

    Because the law cannot be satisfied, they were doing the law to be in God’s grace not out of faith, and we know that nobody can by personal means meet God’s standards is through sanctification that we start to change to a lifestyle more incline to God’s will.
    Paul also explained that while the law was righteous, it was a tool sin used to create more sin, because it called to our flesh and that natural desire of rebellion we have from Adam.

  • Deborah Dessaso

    07/10/2021 at 15:12

    Paul explains in no uncertain terms that the law’s purpose was to bring people to a saving knowledge of Christ, not to do the actual saving through works. Thus, the Jews need a savior as does the rest of humanity, and that Savior is Jesus Himself!

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Christian Learning Center Forums What similarities and differences does Paul point out between Adam and Jesus Christ? (Recall Romans 5:12-21.) What is the significance of these observations?


  • Walter Funk

    12/01/2022 at 16:26

    The similarities are they are Individual men, their actions affected the whole race and one action was the key. The differences are, Adam brought about sin and Christ brought about salvation, Adam took only one sin and Jesus took all many/all the sins, and Adam’s actions caused definite condemnation and Jesus brought about the opportunity for salvation.
    The significance shows have we as a person and are made in the image of Christ but we are not Christ and need his salvation for redemtion.

  • Joel Mcmillon

    10/06/2022 at 10:41

    They are both men whose choices deeply impacted the trajectory of mankind. Adam’s choice brought sin upon all mankind, thus separating humanity from God, breaking the fellowship they once had, condemning all due to our sinful nature. Jesus lived a sinless life, yet was willing to die a sinner’s death in order to provide atonement for our sin provides those who have faith in him a way to be reconciled to God and be forgiven. Adam set people on a course towards hell. Jesus Christ offers people the opportunity to escape hell and gives them new life in relationship with him.

  • Deborah Jones

    09/26/2022 at 14:53

    Adam and Christ were both individual men whose actions affected the whole human race. Adam’s sin caused the whole human race to sin and be condemned. Christ never sinned but He paid the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross. Christ’s victory over sin provides all who will believe in the Gospel, the opportunity for salvation.

  • Sharon Boese

    02/20/2022 at 15:14

    The comparison mainly shows the morality of man and the immorality of Christ. Even as a “man” walking on the Earth, Jesus remained without blemish. Adam, however, sinned and brought death. Jesus came to bring life.

  • Audrey Lyons

    01/19/2022 at 18:18

    Adam and Jesus were both men. Adam disobeyed God and all of us were made sinners and Jesus obeyed God and all of us are made righteous in the eyes of God. Sin reigned in Adam and life reigns in Jesus.

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