Revelation: The Book of Revelation – The End and the Beginning | Our Daily Bread University
New Testament | NT228 | (4.37)

Revelation: The Book of Revelation – The End and the Beginning

This course examines the way history culminates in Revelation's theme of Christ's ultimate triumph over evil and the restoration of all things.

In Revelation: The Book of Revelation – The End and the Beginning, the New Testament and the Bible culminate with this glorious description of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. All of history’s events are culminated in this fantastic story of Christ’s ultimate triumph over evil and the restoration of all things to their created design.


Group Exercises
  1. To introduce students to survey information related to the New Testament.
  2. To help develop critical and practical aptitudes in understanding the Bible.
  3. To provide scholarly information that will foster a better understanding of the historical and biblical context of the New Testament.
Course Rating: 4.37
Based on 27 reviews with the most recent from 3 months ago.
  • I really enjoyed finding out more about the book of Revelation.

    — Pearl, United States
  • A great concise summary of Revelation which can serve as a handy tool while studying Revelation in greater depth.

    — Johann, United States
  • I applaud Dr. Blomberg for daring to give a survey of such a difficult book as Revelation. He does not evade discussing some difficult issues and symbols, unlike an earlier survey I learned from a different author. And although he states his preferred interpretation, he does mention the other interpretations too, so that you can discern for yourself. (In this respect, I must defend Dr. Blomberg against some reviewers of ODBU who say he never tackles issues nor presents alternative views. Those students must have confused the review with another course which I also attended, or they must have not paid attention to details in this course, and yet taken it on themselves to pen a review.) I learned a lot about how I can interpret the 666, Babylon the Great, the duration of the Tribulation, the time of the Rapture, and the interlayering of the 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 bowls, etc. A course to be highly recommended.

    — Weng Yuen, Singapore
  • Excellent!!!

    — Veronica, United States
  • Thank you for the course. My experience with it was that it was a basic course, providing an overview of Revelation, rather than intermediate. I was also disappointed by some of the interpretations that construe everything in Revelation as symbolic. Yes, some of the visions and objects are symbolic. But much of it should be taken literally too. Thank you.  

    — Anggara, Canada

    — Fred
  • It's an eye opener. Revelation made simple.

    — Samuel, Nigeria
  • Dr. De Hann is rolling over in his grave. Very disappointed with some of the interpretations. Very surprised also. Also, the reader needs to learn how to correctly pronounce ALL words that he is reading. (implacable, hegemony, etc.)

    — Suzanne, United States
  • Loved the course. I appreciated the comments that others may have differing perspectives on what is written in Revelation (rather than communicating “this is the correct interpretation”).

    — Ken
  • This was incredible, God bless

    — Toni, South Africa
  • Absolutely awesome, thank you

    — Schalk, South Africa
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • This course provided great insight into the book of Revelation, the questions allowed the learner to dig deeper and focus on main "take aways". Thank you for a great learning opportunity.

    — Gwyn, United States
  • I enjoyed course! While I am glad that it was fast, for the sake of all I have to get done, it would have been nice for this course to last longer! Good teacher! I’m not sure why the first reading was from a 3 John commentary though.

    — Stephen, Singapore

    — Stephen
  • It still confused me a little on some of the issues because of other studies on Revelations I participated in. I did however got clearer answers to some of my questions.

    — Donna, United States
  • An excellent short introduction to the book of Revelation. I learn several new facts despite having gone through other courses and teachings on this subject.

    — Steven, United States
  • I enjoyed the entire course, the knowledge gained is priceless, well taught and explained with the scripture.

    — Ken, United States
  • It was very refreshing to learn about Revelation from someone who has opinions about it but is respectful to other opinions. I learned much about the genres and symbolism in Revelation. Great course!

    — Joe, United States
  • It is very informative and interesting to arouse the student's desire to learn more.

    — Catina, United States
  • This course made Revelation easier to understand and corrected wrong impressions of this wonderful book of the Bible.

    — Aileen, United States
  • This is such a helpful tool in order to have a good understanding of the overview and meaning of the Book of Revelation.

    — Danvy, United States
  • This course is a good introductory of the book of Revelation. It provides a foundation for one to dig deeper for the next course.

    — Cam, United States
  • Awesome. Incredibly thought provoking, especially in light of current world events (corona virus, etc). Glad the Lord has everything sorted out and under control.

    — Glen, United States
  • This was a very good introduction to Revelation. It will help lay the foundation for deeper learning. The warning not to interpret the book in light of today's current events was helpful. Thank you.

    — Alan, United States
  • The information was definitely challenging yet very informative and helpful to building up my spiritual knowledge.

    — Jacqueline, United States
  • Good overview and info.

    — Donald, United States
  • The lessons were thorough and easy to understand.

    — Rachel, United States
  • I love the book of Revelation and enjoyed getting a more in-depth view of it.

    — Lauryn, United States
  • Enjoyed the overview - very clear and understandable for such a complex book.

    — Regina, United States
  • The course has provided good historical and cultural backgrounds. It has also helped me gain a balanced perspective on the book and taught me how to approach it. It also helped me to focus on Jesus Christ. Thank you very much as always.

    — Mizuho, United States
  • I like the way the courses are set up. The questions and answers make you think and help you formulate what you believe.

    — Marilyn, United States
  • Good Biblical course!

    — Gina, United States
  • The course was very helpful both academically and spiritually. I was not familiar with some of those epistles so I am glad that I could take this course.

    — Mizuho, United States
  • Interesting course, helps explain a lot of the symbolism of Revelation.

    — Cathleen, United States
  • I am not particularly fond of studying the Book of Revelation, but this was a decent and balanced presentation, very fair in its presentation of several different views and perspectives.

    — Dale, United States
  • This is a great course, I always knew that this book was meant to be understood. This course provided the knowledge to get a great understanding.

    — Everett, United States
  • This course helped a great deal. I have a much better understanding of Revelation.

    — Robert, United States

Course Content

Lesson One
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/6 Steps
Lesson Two
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/6 Steps
Course Wrap-Up
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/2 Steps
Disciple Level
Enrollment Options

Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 2 Lessons
  • 23 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Discussion Questions

Craig L. Blomberg, PhD