In this course we’ll head into an extended sermon that is unique in the ways it shows the Old Testament pointing to Christ. The book of Hebrews is unique to us because we’re not used to reading the Bible in terms of Old Testament “types.” And we’re not used to Jewish sermons that make their points by hyperlinking between passages in the Bible.
We hope you’re ready for a fascinating book at the beginning of our journey in exploring the general epistles and Revelation. We’re heading into an extended sermon that is unique in the ways it shows the Old Testament pointing to Christ. The book of Hebrews is unique to us because we’re not used to reading the Bible in terms of Old Testament “types.” And we’re not used to Jewish sermons that make their points by hyperlinking between passages in the Bible.
We’ll use this whole module to unpack the interpretive layers in the book of Hebrews. So let’s get started!
If this is your first course in the Bible Journey curriculum, you must first visit the Journey Prep page to understand the background, history, and terminology we will use in the courses.
Workbook Journal-
Corso Edificante Teologicamente e didatticamente.
— Giovanni, Italy
Course Content