Lesson 1, Activity 3
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.
- How does Lesson 1 define “New Testament Theology”?
- Explain the point made in the lesson based on 2 Timothy 2:15 about doing New Testament theology.
- Explain the arguments given in the lesson to defend the inspiration of the New Testament. Note especially the importance of 2 Timothy 3:16, Ephesians 2:20, and Ephesians 3:4-5. Explain whether Paul is considered an apostle. Explain the comments made by Paul and Peter that point to the inspiration of the New Testament.
- Describe each view of inspiration: romantic, mechanical, and organic.
- Explain each level on which we can explore New Testament theology: explicit assertions, theological presuppositions, and implicit purposes.
- The lesson says, “The New Testament was written _____ us, but not directly ____ us.”
- “If we are to submit to the authority of Scripture, we need to consider the context and _______________ of a passage.”
- How does Lesson 1 define an “epoch” of biblical history?
- What is the main division of Bible history?
- What period of history is included under the new covenant?
- What are the three kinds of continuities and discontinuities between the New Testament time and our time studied in the lesson?
- What are some of the epochal “continuities” and “discontinuities” between the New Testament time and our day?
- What was the purpose of New Testament miracles?
- What is the view expressed in the lesson regarding whether God continues to work supernaturally since the time of the New Testament.
- What is “culture”? In what ways is it expressed?
- What are some of the cultural “continuities” and “discontinuities” between the New Testament time and our day?
- “We sometimes summarize our understanding of Scripture by saying it is the word of God in the words of human authors given in _______.”
- “If we don’t understand the _______ ________in which the Scriptures were written, if we don’t understand the ________, the Scriptures can be easily misconstrued.”
- The New Testament authors had versions of the Old Testament available to them in what languages?
- In what language was the New Testament written?
- What are some of the personal “continuities” and “discontinuities” between the New Testament time and our day?
Application Questions
Application questions are intended for group discussions.
- Do you believe in the inspiration of the New Testament? Why?
- Explain why the inspiration of the New Testament is important. What difference does it make to you personally?
- Has this lesson changed your view of inspiration? How? What difference does this make to you personally?
- How does 2 Timothy 2:15 challenge you personally?
- Is it your custom to study the original context and original purpose of a passage in order to understand it better? Has this lesson changed your view of Bible analysis? Explain how it has affected you.
- What are some of the “continuities” that help you understand the New Testament?
- What are some of the “discontinuities” that make it more challenging for you to understand the New Testament? What can you do to overcome that difficulty?
- What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson? Explain.