Overview and Objectives | Our Daily Bread University
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Lesson Overview

In preparation for this lesson, reflect on the importance of the inspiration of the New Testament. What difference does it make whether we believe it is inspired or not? Write down your thoughts.

Lesson Objectives

When you complete this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Use all the resources and complete all the written assignments of the lesson, expressing your own thoughts and attitudes regarding the importance of New Testament theology.
  • Obtain satisfactory grades on the automatically graded activities of the lesson, demonstrating that you can identify: a) key biblical arguments for the inspiration of the New Testament, b) the meaning of its inspiration, and c) key epochal, cultural, and personal continuities and discontinuities between our time and the time of the New Testament.
  • Complete the questionnaire of the lesson, in which you show how you have applied the teachings of the lesson to your own life.