Lesson 2, Activity 3
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.
- What is the key theme underlying all New Testament theology?
- Another phrase for “gospel” is ____________.
- The phrase “good news” comes from the Greek noun __________.
- What is the main message of the gospel?
- Explain the meaning of the word in the Greek Old Testament for “proclaiming the good news.”
- What is the basic concept of the gospel in the New Testament?
- How does Lesson 2 define the “kingdom of God”?
- Scripture refers to God’s kingdom in two primary ways. What are they?
- Were Abraham’s descendants faithful to God?
- What two evil empires did God call to conquer the Jewish people and take them into exile?
- What does it mean when Isaiah says that the Lord will “bare his holy arm”?
- Has the theme of the kingdom of God in the New Testament been recognized in traditional Christian theology?
- Because of Israel’s failures, by the time of the New Testament, what were the expectations regarding the kingdom of God?
- Did the early followers of Jesus understand how the kingdom of God would come?
- What phrase was often used by rabbis and leaders in Israel to describe the present age of sin, suffering and death that exists since the Fall?
- What phrase was often used by rabbis and leaders in Israel to describe the future age of righteousness, love, joy, and peace that would follow the exie?
- What were the ideas of the Jewish sects about the coming Messiah and the transition to a future age of righteousness, love, joy and peace?
- What word comes from the Greek translation of “Messiah” in Hebrew?
- What is meant by “inaugurated eschatology”?
- What are the three stages of the coming of God’s kingdom?
- What phrase used in reference to Jesus indicates that He was the rightful king of Israel?
- When Jesus came, did He inflict judgment on both human and spiritual enemies? What were the Jewish sects expecting?
- Lesson 2 describes two aspects of the New Testament victory of the kingdom of God. What are they?
- Explain the teaching of Colossians 2:15 regarding Jesus’ victory over the powers and authorities.
- With whom is the church at war?
- When Jesus returns, will He defeat both spiritual and human enemies?
- Describe the blessings of deliverance for each stage of the coming of the kingdom of God: inauguration continuation, consummation.
- “It’s no exaggeration to say that New Testament faith is all about ____________.”
Application Questions
Application questions are intended for group discussions.
- How has this lesson changed your view of the main message of the gospel?
- Why is the biblical theme of the kingdom of God important to you personally? How does it affect your understanding of the Bible? Of salvation? Of your relationship with God, with the church, and with society?
- What can we learn from the failures of Israel?
- What can we learn from the fact that at the time of the New Testament, there was confusion about the coming of the Messiah?
- Does the distinction between spiritual enemies and human enemies help you plan the ministry of the church and your own ministry? How?
- What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson? Explain.