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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. Where did Paul travel on his second missionary journey and what was the purpose of his trip?
  2. What three main problems plagued the Thessalonians, and what were their ramifications?
  3. How do Paul’s second missionary journey and the problems in Thessalonica help us understand Paul’s motivation for writing?
  4. Explain Paul’s purpose in writing his first letter to the Thessalonians and the main points he sought to communicate to them.
  5. Explain Paul’s purpose in writing his second letter to the Thessalonians and the main points he sought to communicate to them.
  6. Compare and contrast the purposes behind 1 and 2 Thessalonians. How are they similar and how are they different?
  7. How did Paul’s doctrine of salvation address the Thessalonians’ views on eschatology?
  8. How did Paul’s emphasis on ethical Christian living relate to the Thessalonians’ future salvation?
  9. Describe the Thessalonians’ thinking about the events that must precede Christ’s return.
  10. Explain how Paul’s eschatology framed his theological outlooks.

Application Questions

Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.

  1. Explain how Paul’s initial plans and desires were unmet in light of God’s call to go to Macedonia. How did Paul respond? How should we respond when God calls us to things we haven’t planned?
  2. How could the persecuted Thessalonians remain joyful and faithful in the midst of their hardship?
  3. In the already-not-yet historical setting, why is it important that believers demonstrate holy living?
  4. Why do you think Paul and others prayed daily? Why does the church need daily prayer?
  5. How does our salvation reflect already and not-yet aspects?
  6. How did Paul explain the mystery of lawlessness? How does Paul’s explanation give you perspective regarding our world today?
  7. What is the most significant insight you have learned from this study? Why?

Discussion Video

Additional information concerning the lesson topic is provided in a video presentation of a question and answer session. If you are struggling to understand any portion of the lesson or if you would simply like to deepen your understanding of the subject, this video will be helpful.