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Christian Learning Center Forums How does the apocalyptic section of the Book of Daniel (chapters 7-12) illustrate the sovereignty of God?


  • Katie Haney

    03/13/2022 at 12:32

    He allows us to get a glimpse of what is to come. He gives us important pieces and it allows us to also see that he said it and then it happened. This builds our faith as well.

  • Tamra Lenfestey

    02/22/2022 at 11:38

    The apocalyptic section illustrates God’s involvement in the affairs of men. Even as it was being revealed to Daniel, he was hearing about how God and His angels were moving in the realms of the current empires. God had made promises to Israel years earlier that He was moving the pieces to fulfill in those times and we have observed since the accuracy and incredible details of the kingdoms God revealed to Daniel. Daniel chapters 7-12 are an incredible picture of Proverbs 21:1 “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes.”

  • Stacy Colwell

    02/06/2022 at 05:46

    God has established His plan from the foundations of the earth. He revealed His plan through Daniel, and it has unraveled just as Daniel foretold. God holds the future in His hands, and thus we can be certain that all other prophesies and promises are assured.

  • Ken

    12/15/2021 at 14:45

    Having the advantage of seeing some of the prophecies already fulfilled, we can be sure that the future events are sure. In other words, God is in control and His will is going to be completed.

  • Sharon Low

    07/06/2021 at 15:13

    This section shows that God is over all and that God is working out His purposes in the empires and nations of the world. Being prophetic, it shows that God knows ALL things, hundreds and thousands of years before it occurs.

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Christian Learning Center Forums What are one or two life-lessons you can learn from the Book of Daniel?


  • Dawn Vonheeder

    05/02/2023 at 23:51

    One of the life lessons learned from the Bood of Daniel is by honoring God no matter what. Daniel showed he can honor the Lord at all cost. Each time God had saved him for honoring him.

  • Susan Keeney

    04/29/2023 at 07:17

    One very important lesson is to ALWAYS put God first in my life – in front of everything including work, family, friends, goals, etc. Second lesson, to me, is to pray regularly and lean on God for all things, even just everyday existence, because He is in control of all and can be trusted to care for those who truly love Him.

  • Courtney Williams

    03/21/2023 at 17:30

    One lesson from Daniel is that human learning has its limit, especially concerning life and death matters. Therefore, we should trust in God at all times despite the level of education that we attain. In chapter two we see that the wise men of Babylon were summoned by the king who demanded that they tell him his dream and supply the interpretation. Earlier in chapter one, we are told that Daniel and his three friends were given the best education that was available. They were to be trained for three years in the language and literature of the Babylonians in order to prepare them for the king’s service. It is not far-fetched to believe that all the wise men who served the king had been similarly trained. Yet, none of this extensive learning prepared them for what the king asked of them. They were unable to interpret the dream even when their lives depended upon it. This would hold true for Daniel as well, even though he and his three friends graduated at the top of their class:
    Then the king interviewed them, and among them all none was found like Daniel, Hannah, Mishael, and Azariah; therefore they served before the king. And in all matters of wisdom and understanding about which the king examined them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm (Dan 1:19-20).
    Even though they were the most learned and the wisest men in all the realm of Babylon, they could not help themselves when their lives depended upon it. It had to take an act of God to save their lives. This is because God’s knowledge is far above human knowledge and understanding (Col. 2:3).
    This is not to say human learning is to be shunned. On the contrary, we should endeavor to learn as much as we can in order to be effective at our jobs, schools, etc. Daniel and his friends did not object to receiving a Babylonian education but they were well aware of its limitation. As such, they trusted God at all times, despite their superior education. We should do the same (Prov. 3:5).
    God’s knowledge is also superior in the matter of salvation – the ultimate life and death matter. No human learning can bring the knowledge of salvation. It had to take an act of God, namely, the cross of Jesus Christ. The cross is so unlike any human learning that it is considered foolishness to those who are perishing (even if they are well-learned in the wisdom of this world). But to those who are saved, it is the power of God (1 Cor. 1:18). Clearly, then, human wisdom has proven to be impotent where the stakes are highest in life. As it took an act of God to save the wise men of Babylon, it also took an act of God to save sinners from their sins.

  • Michelle Butler

    01/01/2023 at 15:39

    To be strong and never given up faith.

  • Mizuho Ishida

    08/03/2022 at 23:21

    Are are many lessons I can learn from the Book of Daniel – historical, theological, and personal. As for life lessons, I have learned the importance of putting God first in my life. Daniel had a life full of turmoil, yet he put God first throughout his life. He experienced the major political shifts in history – from Southern Kingdom of Israel, Babylonia, then Persia. He was surrounded by different gods, and he was under political pressures. Even Daniel was threatened of his own life, he kept his faith in God. As a consequence, God blessed Daniel in every way – socially, financially, and spiritually. Daniel’s life is a good example to me.

    As Jesus commanded us, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given unto you.” I would like to do the same as Daniel.

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