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Christian Learning Center Forums How does the apocalyptic section of the Book of Daniel (chapters 7-12) illustrate the sovereignty of God?


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Christian Learning Center Forums What are one or two life-lessons you can learn from the Book of Daniel?


  • Monica Moody

    05/05/2022 at 16:02

    One life lesson that I have learned from the Book of Daniel is to be strong in my faith in whatever I do.

  • Katie Haney

    03/13/2022 at 12:30

    One of the lessons- Daniel showed wisdom and good sense, but he stood up to evil- he did not give in and God Protected him many times. He took care of Daniel.

  • Tamra Lenfestey

    02/22/2022 at 11:42

    In the account of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about the statue, I love the part about the rock that was cut with out human hands that crushed the statute, filled the whole world, and will last forever. The human kingdoms were powerful and valuable, but nothing is going to stop God’s kingdom. It will come about; it does not require human effort. God will have the victory! No matter how dark our days may seem or how bad the kingdoms of this world get, we can have joy and confidence because we know the God that will reign forever.

  • Stacy Colwell

    02/06/2022 at 05:43

    One lesson that can be learned from the book of Daniel is that God is faithful to those who put Him above all else. Multiple times throughout the book, when Daniel or his associates faced ruin or death if they refused to worship false gods or refused to break His commands, God rescued them. From this, though, comes the lesson, that when God is faithful to His followers, He is the one who is glorified. Each time God came through someone in power lifted up His name and exalted Him. Yes, Daniel and the others were promoted, but God was the one who was exalted.

  • Sharon Low

    07/06/2021 at 15:09

    One life lesson that we can learn from the book of Daniel is to show integrity by honoring God and putting God above all other things, people, ideas, despite what others think or say. Another lesson would be that God is in control, and over all things, all rulers, government, etc. and He works all things for good to those who love Him.

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