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Old Testament Field Guide
Lesson OneGetting Ready19 Activities|4 Assessments
Getting Started
In | The Sunday School Old Testament
In | Workbook: Old Testament Favorites - Going Deeper
In | Taking the Stories Seriously
In | 360° View: Elah Valley
In | Workbook: Noah's Ark
In | Putting the Bible in 3D: Noah’s Ark
In | Workbook: Psalms
In | The Psalms: Ancient Poetry
In | The Promises of the Old Testament
In | Proverbs as Promises
In | Workbook: Rethinking Your Favorite Passages
Behind | God of the Laws
Behind | God of War
Behind | Workbook: Problem Passages
In Front | Workbook: A Personal Bible Inventory
In Front | The Law and the New Covenant
In Front | Workbook: The Affect of the Bible - Psalm 119
Getting Started
Lesson TwoGeography and Religion11 Activities|3 Assessments
Getting Started
In | The Land Is a Character in the Story
In | Onsite: The Oldest Map of the Holy Land - Father Innocent
In | Living in the Holy Land - Father Innocent
In | 360 View: Madaba Church Map - Father Innocent
Behind | Fertile Crescent
Behind | Five Geographic Zones
Behind | The Primary Natural Challenge: Water
Behind | Fertility Gods
In Front | Workbook: A Temptation that Promises Prosperity
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeGeopolitical History15 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
In | The Metanarrative
Behind | The Rise of Civilization
Behind | Imperial Domination and Local Politics
Behind | Onsite: Wadi Zered - Boundary Between Moab and Edom
Behind | 360 View: Wadi Zered
Behind | Onsite: Lower Jordan - Canyons Rich with Biblical History
Behind | The Land Between
Behind | 360 View: Petra
Behind | The Great Temptation of Peace
Behind | The Timeline
Behind | Workbook: Timeline
In Front | The Modern Temptation of Peace
In Front | Workbook: The Modern-day Temptations of Peace
Getting Started
Lesson FourAncient Near Eastern Sources11 Activities
Getting Started
In | Workbook: 2 Kings 18–19 and Taylor’s Prism
Behind | Workbook: Colossians 2:8 and Ancient Near East Writings, Part 1
Behind | Workbook: Colossians 2:8 and Ancient Near East Writings, Part 2
Behind | Parallels: Myths and Tales
Behind | Legal Collections
Behind | Hymns
Behind | Biblical Parallels: Historical Records
Behind | Texts without Biblical Parallels: Magic and Rituals
In Front | Workbook: Modern and Ancient Near East Sensibilities
Getting Started
Lesson FiveImpact of the Old Testament11 Activities
Getting Started
In | Workbook: The Old Testament - Cultural Impact Through the Ages
In Front | Workbook: Pondering the Uniqueness of Israel
In Front | Impact: Monotheism
In Front | Social and Political Impact of the Old Testament
In Front | “You Are the Man!”
In Front | The Impact of the Bible on Art
In Front | Workbook: The Impact of the Bible on Art
In Front | Workbook: The Bible’s Impact on Language
In Front | Science
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Lesson 1, Activity 16
In Front | Workbook: A Personal Bible Inventory
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
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Grab your Workbook Journal!
[Record your answers in the workbook provided at the beginning of this course.]
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how knowledgeable are you about the Bible? Offer 2-3 sentences in explanation.
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how enthusiastic have you been to study the Bible? Offer 2-3 sentences in explanation.
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident have you been to study the Bible? Offer 2-3 sentences in explanation.