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Old Testament Field Guide
Lesson OneGetting Ready19 Activities|4 Assessments
Getting Started
In | The Sunday School Old Testament
In | Workbook: Old Testament Favorites - Going Deeper
In | Taking the Stories Seriously
In | 360° View: Elah Valley
In | Workbook: Noah's Ark
In | Putting the Bible in 3D: Noah’s Ark
In | Workbook: Psalms
In | The Psalms: Ancient Poetry
In | The Promises of the Old Testament
In | Proverbs as Promises
In | Workbook: Rethinking Your Favorite Passages
Behind | God of the Laws
Behind | God of War
Behind | Workbook: Problem Passages
In Front | Workbook: A Personal Bible Inventory
In Front | The Law and the New Covenant
In Front | Workbook: The Affect of the Bible - Psalm 119
Getting Started
Lesson TwoGeography and Religion11 Activities|3 Assessments
Getting Started
In | The Land Is a Character in the Story
In | Onsite: The Oldest Map of the Holy Land - Father Innocent
In | Living in the Holy Land - Father Innocent
In | 360 View: Madaba Church Map - Father Innocent
Behind | Fertile Crescent
Behind | Five Geographic Zones
Behind | The Primary Natural Challenge: Water
Behind | Fertility Gods
In Front | Workbook: A Temptation that Promises Prosperity
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeGeopolitical History15 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
In | The Metanarrative
Behind | The Rise of Civilization
Behind | Imperial Domination and Local Politics
Behind | Onsite: Wadi Zered - Boundary Between Moab and Edom
Behind | 360 View: Wadi Zered
Behind | Onsite: Lower Jordan - Canyons Rich with Biblical History
Behind | The Land Between
Behind | 360 View: Petra
Behind | The Great Temptation of Peace
Behind | The Timeline
Behind | Workbook: Timeline
In Front | The Modern Temptation of Peace
In Front | Workbook: The Modern-day Temptations of Peace
Getting Started
Lesson FourAncient Near Eastern Sources11 Activities
Getting Started
In | Workbook: 2 Kings 18–19 and Taylor’s Prism
Behind | Workbook: Colossians 2:8 and Ancient Near East Writings, Part 1
Behind | Workbook: Colossians 2:8 and Ancient Near East Writings, Part 2
Behind | Parallels: Myths and Tales
Behind | Legal Collections
Behind | Hymns
Behind | Biblical Parallels: Historical Records
Behind | Texts without Biblical Parallels: Magic and Rituals
In Front | Workbook: Modern and Ancient Near East Sensibilities
Getting Started
Lesson FiveImpact of the Old Testament11 Activities
Getting Started
In | Workbook: The Old Testament - Cultural Impact Through the Ages
In Front | Workbook: Pondering the Uniqueness of Israel
In Front | Impact: Monotheism
In Front | Social and Political Impact of the Old Testament
In Front | “You Are the Man!”
In Front | The Impact of the Bible on Art
In Front | Workbook: The Impact of the Bible on Art
In Front | Workbook: The Bible’s Impact on Language
In Front | Science
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Lesson 1, Activity 12
In | Workbook: Rethinking Your Favorite Passages
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
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Grab your Workbook Journal!
[Record your answers in the workbook provided at the beginning of this course.]
Sometimes our favorite passages are the hardest ones to open up for careful reinterpretation. Think about Psalm 23, a passage that’s been read to people in hospital beds and at gravesides. People have been nourished back to emotional and spiritual and psychological health by passages like this, and it can be difficult to re-evaluate things that have worked for us so well.
It is hard to say that we’re going to risk that sentiment, these deep emotional attachments, just for the sake of clarity. With BibleJourney, our hope is that we’ll uncover even deeper biblical connections that enrich us in ways we couldn’t have anticipated.
- Reflect on passages that have been extra special to you. How might interpreting these passages anew, and with more context and information, feel threatening to you?