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Genesis, Part 1: Covenant Relationship Initiated
Lesson OneCreation of the World (Gen 1-2)23 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Genesis 1-2
In | Workbook: Creation
In | Interpretation Stops
In | Repetition
In | Literary Structures
In | The Structure of the Six Days of Creation
Behind | Creation Myths
Behind | Workbook: How Do We Make Sense of Extra-biblical Parallels?
Behind | Extra-biblical Parallels
Behind | Creation Parallels
Behind | Workbook: The Purpose of Creation Stories
Behind | Kings, Temples, Rest
Behind | Onsite: Heaven and Earth - Philae Temple, Upper Egypt
In Front | Religious vs Scientific
In Front | His Reign Your Rest
In Front | Christianity Today: The Search for the Historical Adam
In Front | Christianity Today: Why Conservation is a Gospel Issue
In Front | The Missing Chapters: Andy Crouch
In Front | Our Daily Bread: The Wright Stuff
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Garbage Island
In Front | Table Talk: Faith and Science
Getting Started
Lesson TwoRoyal Image Bearers (Gen 1-2)16 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Genesis 1-2
In | Workbook: Genesis 2
In | Image of God: Royal, Priestly, Familial
In | Workbook: Image of God
Behind | Royal Ideology in the Ancient Near East
Behind | Sumerian King List
Behind | Bearing the Image of God
Behind | Mesopotamian and Egyptian Parallels
Behind | Workbook: Similarities between the Bible and Other Traditions
In Front | Imago Dei: Dr. Francis Beckwith
In Front | Image Ethics
In Front | Christ the Image of God
In Front | Typology
In Front | Bible Project: Image of God
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeRebellion and Consequences (Gen 3-5)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Genesis 3-5
In | Workbook: Genesis 3-5
In | The Rebellion in Eden
In | Predictions, Prophecies, Promises and Foreshadow
In | Workbook: Two Family Lines
Behind | Serpents in Ancient Mythology
Behind | Snake Symbolism in the Ancient Near East
Behind | Onsite: Crushing the Head of the Chaos Serpent - Steve Wunderink
In Front | Evil in the World
In Front | Christianity Today: How Neuroscience—and the Bible—Explain Shame
In Front | Christianity Today: We’re So Unashamed We Wrote a Book on It. Three of Them, Actually.
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Shopping with Liam
Getting Started
Lesson FourFlood and New Creation (Gen 6-9)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Genesis 6-9
In | Workbook: Genesis 6–10
In | The Flood
In | Reading Chunks
In | Covenant
In | Thematic Patterns
Behind | Museum of the Bible: The Flood Story in 3D
Behind | Ancient Near East Flood Accounts
Behind | The Rain “Bow”
Behind | Sons of God and Giants
In Front | The Covenant Cycle
In Front | Images of the Flood: Lika Tov
Getting Started
Lesson FiveBabel and the Scattering of Nations (Gen 10-11)13 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Genesis 10-11
In | Workbook: Genesis 11
In | Lausanne Movement: Why was Building the Tower so Bad
In | Bible Project: Genesis 1–11
In | Workbook: The Image of God and the Human “Brand”
Behind | Regal-Ritual Cities
Behind | Museum of the Bible: Ziggurat of Ur Kasdim
Behind | The Sumerian Epic of Enmerkar
In Front | Workbook: From Genesis to Revelation
In Front | The Drama of Rebellion and Redemption
In Front | Reading Canonically
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Lesson 4, Activity 12
In Front | The Covenant Cycle
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
To put the ending of the Flood story into a more personal perspective, let’s explore a two-letter prefix that can make all the difference in how we see tragedy and even judgment.