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Isaiah and Micah: Assyrian Crisis

  1. Lesson One
    Isaiah - YHWH and the Nations
    22 Activities
    3 Assessments
  2. Lesson Two
    Isaiah - YHWH and His People
    23 Activities
    2 Assessments
  3. Lesson Three
    Isaiah's Anticipated Messiah
    24 Activities
    4 Assessments
  4. Lesson Four
    The Authorship and Unity of Isaiah
    24 Activities
    4 Assessments
  5. Lesson Five
    17 Activities
    2 Assessments
  6. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson 5, Activity 5

In | Hiding in the Forest, Part 2

Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Shepherd your people with your staff,
    the flock of your inheritance,
who dwell alone in a forest
    in the midst of a garden land;
let them graze in Bashan and Gilead
    as in the days of old. 
Micah 7:14 ESV

The people of Israel and Judah have been exiled from Samaria and Jerusalem and have yet to return. In the confusion and displacement of exile, the people need a shepherd to lead them to safe pastures. 

Forests in the ancient world often represented disorder and a lack of civilization. The people have gone there deliberately to hide. In the absence of a shepherd, they scatter, but he will gather and lead them home. He will bring them from their forest hiding into “the midst of a garden land.”
