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Isaiah and Micah: Assyrian Crisis

  1. Lesson One
    Isaiah - YHWH and the Nations
    22 Activities
    3 Assessments
  2. Lesson Two
    Isaiah - YHWH and His People
    23 Activities
    2 Assessments
  3. Lesson Three
    Isaiah's Anticipated Messiah
    24 Activities
    4 Assessments
  4. Lesson Four
    The Authorship and Unity of Isaiah
    24 Activities
    4 Assessments
  5. Lesson Five
    17 Activities
    2 Assessments
  6. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson 5, Activity 17


Lesson Progress
0% Complete


Micah introduced us to good and bad shepherds . . . leaders who reflect God’s concern for justice and mercy and those who are abusive and self-interested. We met The Model for good shepherds: YHWH Himself and His coming Messiah.

Before you leave this small but powerful book, take time to reflect on your own commitment to mercy and justice. How are you showing mercy in a world that is often living with chronic suffering? What part do you play in fighting against structural and systemic injustice? 

When you’re ready to join us for the next module, we’ll start up with a prophet who describes God’s inevitable decision to bring justice to Assyria.