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Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah: Persian Period and Restoration
Lesson OneDiaspora Stories (Esther 1–7)16 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Esther 1–7
In | The Timeline
In | Diaspora
In | Diaspora Stories and Heroes
In | Nehemiah 9
In | Workbook: Nehemiah 9
In | The Importance of Vindication
In | Plot #1: Guilt and Reconciliation
In | Plot #2: Dishonor and Vindication
In | Plots Converge in Jesus
Behind | Building a Home in Egypt
Behind | iMap: Post-Exile Diaspora
In Front | Modern-Day Dishonor and Vindication: Louis Zamperini
In Front | Workbook: Modern-Day Dishonor and Vindication - Louis Zamperini
Getting Started
Lesson TwoOverview of Esther (Esther 8–10)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Esther 8–10
In | Workbook: A Royal Beauty Pageant
In | Chiasm in Esther
In | A Book of 10 Banquets
In | The Hiddenness of God
In | Workbook: Echoes in Esther
In | Inner-biblical Echoes in Esther
In | Esther and Joseph
Behind | Workbook: Editions (and Additions) of Esther
Behind | Esther and the Canon
In Front | Signs and Esther
In Front | Workbook: The Hidden Hand of God in Your Life
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeThe Character of Esther (Esther Review)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Esther
In | Workbook: The Courage of Esther
In | What Else Is Esther About?
In | Workbook: Narrative Liturgy
In | The Gospels as Narrative Liturgy
In | The "Meaning" of Stories
In | Esther and Character Formation
Behind | Workbook: The Historicity of Esther
Behind | The Historicity of Esther
In Front | Christianity Today: Moments of Crisis
In Front | Crisis, Character, Calling, Competence and Community
In Front | The Holocaust and Bible Interpretation
Getting Started
Lesson FourEzra15 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Ezra
In | Workbook: Ezra 1 and Exodus
In | Ezra's Place in the Bible Story
In | Introduction to Ezra
In | Workbook: Introducing Ezra
In | A Difficult Scene in Ezra
In | Ezra 10
Behind | iMap: Exile and Return
Behind | Second Temple Period
Behind | Persian Kings and the Bible
Behind | The Persian Empire
In Front | Purity and Assimilation Today
In Front | Workbook: Purity and Assimilation in Your Life
Getting Started
Lesson FiveNehemiah17 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Nehemiah
In | Workbook: A Persian Cupbearer
In | Introduction to Nehemiah
In | Workbook: Comparing Three Prayers
In | Workbook: Nehemiah's Leadership in Action
Behind | Collective Identity
Behind | Setting the Stage for the New Testament
Behind | A Temple State
Behind | The Walls of Nehemiah
Behind | Tensions Between the Samaritans and Jews
In Front | Nehemiah and Leadership
In Front | Affairs of State and Favor with Those in Authority
In Front | Workbook: The Best Citizens and the Biggest Threat
In Front | Eschatology as "The Already" and "Not Yet"
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 13
Lesson 3, Activity 1
Getting Started
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Take a moment to consider Esther’s development over time. We can look back and see her courage, but was that simply a trait she always had? Was she always confident and strategic? Was she a “natural, born leader?”
The answers to these questions may surprise you. Esther is a case study in a life that made significant progress as she walked through the doors of destiny. She was probably surprised at the person she became.
Let’s go back through the story and pay more attention to who Esther was before and after crisis.