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Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah: Persian Period and Restoration

  1. Lesson One
    Diaspora Stories (Esther 1–7)
    16 Activities
  2. Lesson Two
    Overview of Esther (Esther 8–10)
    14 Activities
  3. Lesson Three
    The Character of Esther (Esther Review)
    14 Activities
  4. Lesson Four
    15 Activities
  5. Lesson Five
    17 Activities
  6. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Grab your Workbook Journal!

[Record your answers in the workbook provided at the beginning of this course.]

Narrative liturgy is critically important. These are more than stories or history. Narrative liturgies contextualize a call to worship with a story, and that gives the message more emphasis. 

Esther is a story of Jewish salvation as well as an exhortation to honor the festival of Purim. Esther is not unique in Scripture in the sense that it’s a narrative liturgy. 

  1. Consider how the passion narratives in the Gospel contextualize Jesus’ call to honor the Last Supper.