Minor Prophets, Part 3: Persian Period and Restoration
Lesson OneObadiah17 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Obadiah
In | A Symbol for Obadiah
In | Betraying Family, Part 2
In | "Because of Violence Against Your Brother Jacob"
In | No Kindness for a Brother, Part 2
In | Workbook: A Shift in Inheritance, Part 1
In | Workbook: A Shift in Inheritance, Part 2
In | Divine Reluctance
In | Workbook: The Prophets Against Edom, Part 1
In | Workbook: The Prophets Against Edom, Part 2
Behind | The Mountains of Esau
Behind | iMap: Obadiah's Geography
In Front | Workbook: Group Tensions and Family Inheritance
In Front | Advancement and Discontent
In Front | Workboook: Advancement and Discontent
Getting Started
Lesson TwoHaggai17 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Haggai
In | A Symbol for Haggai
In | Reckoning with the Reality of the Rebuilt Temple
In | The Earth Withholding Its Produce, Part 2
In | Reading the Prophets to Empathize with God
In | Workbook: Standing in the Gap
In | The Two Posts of the Restoration Period
In | A Rebuilding Reversal, Part 2
Behind | The Timeline
Behind | Persian Kings and the Bible
Behind | Signet Rings in the Ancient World
In Front | Old and New Covenant(s)
In Front | Doomed to Fail
In Front | Workbook: Doomed to Fail
In Front | Workbook: Reflection
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeZechariah20 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Zechariah
In | A Symbol for Zechariah
In | Workbook: Fuel for the Light of the Lampstands
In | Fuel for the Light of the Lampstands
In | Eight Night Visions
In | Glory Within, Part 2
In | Zion and Messianic Anticipation
In | A Disconcerting Part of the Prediction
In | The Testimony of His People, Part 2
In | The Whole Bible in a Triangle
Behind | Two Maps for Zechariah
Behind | The Movements of Zechariah 1-8
Behind | The Movements of Zechariah 9-14
Behind | Looking Forward to the Day of Judgment
In Front | Workbook: Zechariah 12:10
In Front | Prediction and Fulfillment
In Front | This Age and the Age to Come
In Front | Workbook: Light in the Darkness
Getting Started
Lesson FourMalachi18 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Malachi
In | A Symbol for Malachi
In | Cursed with a Curse, Part 2
In | Six Disputes in Malachi
In | Workbook: Disputed Sayings in Malachi, Part 1
In | Priestly Purge, Part 2
Behind | Malachi in the Timeline
Behind | Josephus and Malachi
In Front | Breaking Faith
In Front | Keeping Faith at a Time of Overstimulation
In Front | Discretion and Deception
In Front | Whose Side Are You On?
In Front | Religious Activity and Faithfulness
In Front | Redemptive History
In Front | Workbook: Reflection
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi
Getting Started
Lesson FiveOT Wrap-Up (Psalm 119)15 Activities|5 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Psalm 119
In | Journey Prep: What Is the Bible?
In | The Idea of Sacred Literature Emerges from the Text
In | Workbook: The Idea of Sacred Literature Emerges from the Text
In | Workbook: The Authority of the Torah in the Writings and Prophets
In | Which Is Not in the Hebrew Bible? Part 2
Behind | Textual History of the Old Testament, Part 1
Behind | Josephus’ 22 Books
In Front | Text Criticism: Dr. Emanuel Tov
In Front | Workbook: Do We Need the New Testament?
In Front | The Bible Jesus Read, Part 1
In Front | The Bible Jesus Read, Part 3
In Front | Workbook: Old Testament Reflections
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 9
In Front | The Bible Jesus Read, Part 1
Jesus Christ is highly regarded even by non-believers for His innovative teachings. But were His teachings really “new”?
As we know, Jesus was not the beginning of a religious tradition, but a figure who developed and “fulfilled” an existing tradition centered on Torah and the Hebrew Bible. Jesus frequently references this tradition in the Gospels by the phrase “it is written.”
The Gospel of Matthew further identifies his source as “the Law and the Prophets” in each of the passages below.
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:37-40 NIV
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Matthew 7:12 NIV
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:17-19 NIV