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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. Indicate whether we see judgment and/or hope in each division of Hosea.
    • Section 1: __________
    • Section 2: __________
    • Section 3: __________
  2. “After a period of judgment, Israel will receive God’s blessings in the latter days through ________ with Judah and ________ to David’s house.”
  3. What did Hosea name his three children?
  4. Did the divine lawsuit in Hosea 2:14-23 end with curses from God?
  5. The covenant expressed in Hosea 2:18 is also predicted in what Old Testament passages?
  6. What is symbolized by Gomer’s “time without a man” in Hosea 3:4-5?
  7. The following concepts are important themes in Hosea:
    • The U______ of the 12 tribes
    • S___________ to David’s house
    • Spreading God’s K________ to the ends of the earth
  8. From what Old Testament passage did the prophets draw their understanding of the “latter days”?
  9. In what Old Testament passage do we see Hezekiah attempting to reunite Israel and Judah under his rule as a son of David?
  10. Where do we see New Testament authors speak of the church as the bride of Christ, much like Hosea? Mention the passages.
  11. Did both the Old Testament and the New Testament authors make it clear that Gentiles could become part of the people of God by being adopted or grafted into the family of Abraham?
  12. What theological expression derives its name from the phrase “the latter days”?
  13. In what passage do we see the apostle Peter allude to the first two chapters of Hosea in describing the early church?
  14. When will Hosea’s hope for blessings after judgment be completely fulfilled?
  15. Hosea’s prophecies focusing on God’s lawsuits originated when he received revelations about Assyria’s invasion in what year?
  16. Hosea’s prophecies of God’s call for alarm stemmed from revelations he initially received about Assyria’s invasion in what year?
  17. In Hosea 4:2, what Old Testament text did Hosea allude to when he said that Israel was full of “swearing, lying, murder, stealing, and committing adultery.”
  18. ________ was a fundamental violation of the loyalty of God required of his people.
  19. Did the leaders of Israel utterly reject their national religious traditions?
  20. What examples does the lesson give of “temporary judgments”?
  21. Which king of Judah promoted idolatry and injustice and trusted in an alliance with Assyria and Assyria’s god’s to gain protection from his enemies?
  22. Many interpreters believe Hosea 5:10 refers to Ahaz’s attempt to annex territories in whose land in retaliation for Israel’s attacks during the Syrian-Israelite coalition?
  23. Of what were Hezekiah’s fortifications a symbol, as mentioned in Hosea 8:14?
  24. In Israel and Judah, was a clear distinction made between the visible people of God and the invisible people of God?
  25. Jesus didn’t ________ his bride in his first advent.
  26. In Luke 24:46-47, Jesus applied what Old Testament passage to himself?
  27. In what passage do we see Hosea 6:6 quoted in the New Testament?
  28. Hope for God’s blessings of the latter days is found in God’s ________ responses to his people, but these blessings will come only as God’s people respond ________ to his ________.
  29. God’s comparison of Israel to “fruit” in Hosea 9:10-12 reflected on how he cherished Israel in the days of ________.
  30. God’s comparison of Israel to a “planted palm” in 9:13-17 reflected on how he planted the tribes of Israel in ________.
  31. God’s comparison of Israel to a “luxuriant vine” in Hosea 10:1-10 points to the days of ________.
  32. What is common among all five metaphors in Hosea 9-14?
  33. What two things needed to happen if Judah’s leaders wanted to see God withdraw his curses and begin to lead his people toward the blessings of the latter days?
  34. Is it true that, since Judah didn’t have a long history of rebellion in the past, Hosea focused on Judah’s response in their current circumstances?
  35. “They shall come trembling like birds from ________, and like doves from the land of ________, and I will return them to their homes, declares the Lord.” (Hosea 11:11)
  36. Used in Hosea 12:5, what did “the Lord, the God of hosts” refer to?
  37. Who was the “faithful people who would turn to God for salvation and would receive his everlasting blessings”?
  38. According to the lesson, did Matthew know that Hosea referred directly to Jesus in Hosea 11:1?
  39. The apostle Paul referred to the consummation of the latter days in 1 Corinthians 15 by quoting what passage from Hosea?

Application Questions

Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.

  1. How does the fact that God combines both judgment and hope in the prophecies of Hosea change the way you look ahead to possible difficult experiences in the future? Give an example.
  2. The prophecies of Hosea include both judgment and hope of blessing. How do we see both judgment and blessing in the death of Christ on the cross?
  3. Did the people of Israel and Judah listen to Hosea’s prophecies and repent of their unfaithfulness? What happened as a result? What can we learn from this?
  4. How did God also show grace and mercy to Israel and Judah, in spite of their sin? What can we learn from this?
  5. What does it mean to you to know that the Church is the bride of Christ? How does it make you feel? How does it change your life?
  6. What things do you especially look forward to when Christ establishes the final eternal stage of His kingdom?
  7. How do the lessons from Hosea help you in your relationship with God?
  8. How do the lessons from Hosea help you relate to others?
  9. What were you expecting to get out of this course when you started?
  10. What is the most important lesson you have learned in this course?