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This activity supports learning objective 3.

Christian Learning Center Forums How do Dr. Ward’s definitions of leadership, ministry, and calling compare with your own?


  • Kathryn Duchnowski

    04/19/2024 at 10:57

    I always thought of leadership as a person in charge of a company. A boss or leader. I did not think of it in terms of whatever you are good at and have gifts in can also be defined as leadership, especially when working with others.

  • Steven Kellejian

    03/25/2024 at 17:19

    When I was younger, I thought that leadership required a specific title, but as I have grown my understanding has come more to align with the authors definition.

  • Helen Langley

    02/22/2024 at 15:24

    Leadership is exhibited in any area where you have influence or significant input. If you are in charge then you are a leader but a follower can have a leadership role also. To me leadership is guiding or directing . It is active and far more than a title or position.

  • Esther Portalatin

    01/29/2024 at 22:48

    My understanding and definition of leadership has always been someone God has equipped to lead a group of people to the truth. Leadership has to be a calling and not only a longing.

  • Paul Southern

    12/31/2023 at 00:10

    Someone who exerts influence and has followers.

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