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This activity supports learning objective 3.

Christian Learning Center Forums How do Dr. Ward’s definitions of leadership, ministry, and calling compare with your own?


  • John Clark

    10/21/2023 at 18:22

    Leadership has been something that individuals tend to earn. I have seen many people in roles meant to be leadership positions that failed and some that have risen to the task from the bottom. I also think that different situations call for different types of leadership. The leadership I exercised on the fire grounds is way different then what I did as a manager of a retail store. Knowing what is needed is always about listening to GOD

  • Adonna Ferrell

    10/20/2023 at 19:55

    Traditionally I have viewed leadership as being in the position to direct or guide others, whether for negative or positive purposes. I have often equated leadership with the words “responsibility,” and “example,” in conjunction with the concept that everyone submits themselves to something or someone greater than themselves

  • Mendy Scholl

    10/19/2023 at 07:34

    Leadership is showing others by example. Helping them to learn & grow. Even in hard times

  • Michael Pierce

    10/18/2023 at 07:50

    For me leadership has always been synonymous with influence. Leaders/Influencers have an incredible magnetism and authenticity that pulls people into their orbit and arrests their attention because of their genuine concern and trustworthiness.

  • Gary Miller

    10/16/2023 at 06:46

    Having influence and being willing to use that for the good of others. It’s a knowing when you can’t necessarily see the way forward.

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