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Prayer Basics

  1. Lesson One
    Why Pray?
    8 Activities
    1 Assessment
  2. Lesson Two
    Why Not Ask?
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  3. Lesson Three
    When You Don’t Know What to Say
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  4. Lesson Four
    Obstacles to Prayer
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  5. Lesson Five
    Praying for Others
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  6. Lesson Six
    Praying with Others
    6 Activities
    1 Assessment
  7. Lesson Seven
    Prayer and Fasting
    6 Activities
    1 Assessment
  8. Lesson Eight
    What about “Unanswered” Prayer?
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  9. Lesson Nine
    Persevering in Prayer
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  10. Lesson Ten
    Living a Prayer-Filled Life
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  11. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    2 Activities
Lesson 1, Activity 5

Share Your Thoughts

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Share your response to the following question.

This activity supports learning objective 3.

Christian Learning Center Forums What new insights about the importance of prayer did you gather from this lesson?


  • Barbara a Simmons

    02/18/2023 at 21:03

    I should make my life a prayer.

  • Michelle Henderson

    02/18/2023 at 07:13

    God wants us to pray continually seeking his face for answers not just his hand in doing. Prayer is important part of the believers life.

  • Bethany Driggs Driggs

    02/18/2023 at 06:33

    I just completed a Bible study called becoming a woman of prayer…..this is a validation of that study…..

  • Donna

    12/07/2022 at 02:01

    Having the advantage to call upon God, knowing of His promise to hear me and to show in great and mighty things. the comfort of knowing that God wants to hear from me at all times

  • Michelle Henderson

    12/05/2022 at 11:08

    God bends down to listen to us, was very significant for me because I know he wants to hear us in our praying to him.

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