Theology Basics
Lesson OneDoctrines of God and of Christ3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoDoctrines of the Holy Spirit and of the Bible3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeDoctrines of Salvation and of the Church3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourDoctrines of The Spirit World and of the Future3 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 488
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › How did your study on the doctrine of Christ give you a deeper love for the Savior?
Tagged: ST101-01
How did your study on the doctrine of Christ give you a deeper love for the Savior?
Caitlin Rasmussen replied 2 days, 15 hours ago 92 Members · 96 Replies
I have often wondered why Jesus came as a man to Earth at that particular time in history. This study really spoke to me in the following sentence: “Since hanging on a cross was a token of supreme humiliation, the triune God decreed that Jesus Christ should die in this manner to portray the fact that He bore God’s wrath against the sin of the whole human race.” Not only did Jesus need to die, but it had to be in this humiliating way because of Him bearing our sins. What an amazing Savior!
The study on the doctrine of Christ has reminded me of how much our Savior has done for us and at a great sacrifice, such great love for us!
The doctrine of Christ gave me to understand that not only did He die as satisfaction to God, but His sacrifice gave me the opportunity to worship and love God. His sacrifice gave me the ability to receive the mercy and grace that only comes from God through the shed blood of Christ.
When I think of all Jesus has done for me, I am truly awestruck. Jesus left the Father and heaven, to come to the world he spoke into creation, in order to die as the true Passover Lamb. He who knew no sin, became sin so that I/we can have life eternal. Jesus had many disciples here, but just as in today’s culture more reject than accept this incredible gift. He continually did the absolute impossible like healing the sick, blind, and paralyzed. No one else could randomly do this. He fed 5k with 5 loaves and 2 fish. Then 4k, who else does this. But that was then, today Jesus has brought me peace, guided me through all life brings, and given me all I have. How could I not love one that has loved me so greatly.
This study reaffirmed my love for the Savior and gave me a deeper appreciation of the love Jesus has for me. I love the Lord more each time I am reminded of what He did for me.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What impressed you about the idea of “adorning the doctrine of God”?
Tagged: ST101-01
What impressed you about the idea of “adorning the doctrine of God”?
Rebeca Gore replied 2 months, 1 week ago 63 Members · 62 Replies
I believe that God should be adored as He is creator of all things.
It reminded me that by doing our best to live our lives according to God’s word shows the world around us God’s love, and God’s blessings by our actions, words, and daily life. We show the world God by just seeing how we live.
To adorn the doctrine of God means to let the truth of God manifest in my life, through my speeches and behavior so that people can see the goodness of God and glorify God. This also means that we are “walking bible” for God, living out the word of God in our lives. We are to witness of God’s goodness with our life conduct.
I think that every day in every that we can is to put on Christ and let the world know that you belong to Him.