Lesson 6, Activity 3
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.
- What is the problem of sin? Where did it originate and what are the consequences associated with sin?
- Discuss how divine grace involves all three persons of the Trinity.
- What role does individual responsibility play in the forgiveness of sins?
- How did man’s fall into sin corrupt not only our souls but also our physical bodies?
- Discuss how the gospel, or “good news,” ensures our resurrection.
- Describe the three stages of bodily redemption and how, according to the Scriptures, we will experience each.
- Discuss when everlasting life begins.
- Explain how everlasting life for believers is not simply a matter of having our existence and consciousness continue forever.
- What is the new heaven and new earth and where will believers spend eternity?
Application Questions
Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.
- In what ways does the law reflect the character of God?
- Think of three ways people commonly sin by omission and three by commission.
- All three members of the Trinity work together to bring about our salvation. What does this mean for the way that God loved us in our sin and continues to love us after we are saved?
- How do Christians continually need to have brokenness and faith in their Christian lives?
- How does the merit of Christ become the ground of our salvation, and how can faith in Him give us confidence in His forgiveness?
- In what ways has prayer been a means of grace in your life?
- How can the future hope in our resurrection cause us to live holy lives in anticipation Christ’s return?
- How do we continue to need the gospel as believers?
- How can everlasting life be experienced now?
- How can our present sufferings increase our hope for everlasting life?