The Beatitudes of Jesus | Our Daily Bread University
New Testament | NT035 | (4.23)

The Beatitudes of Jesus

Get a deeper understanding of the Sermon on the Mount, and what these blessings meant in Jesus' time on the mountain, and what they mean for us today.

Journey with Dr. Craig Blomberg through a study of Jesus’ Beatitudes. Discover how these blessings fit into the larger context of the Sermon on the Mount, what they meant for the people listening to Jesus on the mountain, and what they mean for us today.

  • Identify key features of Matthew’s gospel.
  • Summarize the point of and discuss key components and characteristics of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
  • Articulate an understanding of the framework for the Beatitudes and describe criteria for categorizing them.
  • Explain the meaning of each of the promised blessings and to whom they applied.
  • Identify how the Beatitudes echo Old Testament passages.
  • Discuss the blessings and woes found in Luke 6 and how they relate to the Beatitudes found in Matthew.
  • Draw overall conclusions from the teachings found in the Beatitudes.
Course Rating: 4.23
Based on 75 reviews with the most recent from 1 week ago.
  • This course is exceptional! It has truly changed my life and the understanding of God’s vision of kingdom character! I’ve already started a zoom meeting to go over this with some of my family! Love this teaching and the teacher is great!

    — Ashonda, United States
  • Great class. A lot of significant exposition. As much as I have studied Matthew 5 and Luke 6, I absolutely missed that Luke states that Jesus came down to a plain to teach. I learned that in this course.

    — Kenneth, United States
  • Good, simple introduction to the beatitudes. Includes the different approaches to interpreting the beatitudes. Blomberg's classification of the Matthew beatitudes into two groups of four is interesting. He also did not neglect to address the parallel passage in Luke.

    — Leong, Singapore
  • Take notes during the lecture, there's lot's of information.

    — Trudy, United States
  • I found this course well laid out, thought-provoking in its presentation, and worthy of deeper discussions on what the Beatitudes mean for us today as Christians.

    — Rosanne, Canada
  • I learned a lot about the Beatitudes that I didn't know before. The information was very interesting and helpful in my studies.

    — Penny, United States
  • The course was helpful and enjoyed.

    — Charlotte, United States
  • The ten-minute lectures were just the right amount of time to keep my attention and break my learning into smaller bits so I understood.

    — Jeff, United States
  • The Beatitudes are so much more than I knew it to be. I am glad this course helped me to have a more in-depth understanding of their context.

    — Darlene, United States
  • I especially liked the comparison between Matthew and Luke and how the Beatitudes were covered, much as two people taking a course might have course notes that vary but convey the same general message.

    — Theresa, United States
  • Very interesting, at times challenging but truly capturing.

    — Johann, United States
  • Really interesting - learned many new insights. Thank you :)

    — Wendy, Australia
  • I love the lectures, very informative. Helps me to see old bible passages in new light. Appreciate the sense of humor as well. Thank you for all you do.

    — Loretta, United States
  • This course was a blessing!

    — Jason, United States
  • Thank you !

    — Debbie, United States
  • It helps me a lot to understand God's word.

    — Yeongheon, South Korea
  • Good course and rather easy to follow if you pay attention.

    — Edward, United States
  • The beatitudes, the sermon on the mount, are always great to review and study again and again.

    — Evelyn, United States
  • Very difficult and challenging . Apparently I didn't know much going in. Just heard them lightly highlighted from pastors who just skimmed over familiar phrases. Eye opening!

    — Hobe, United States
  • What I cannot believe is how I've been reading the Bible for decades and I still managed to get answers wrong on the quiz! The quizzes are what makes this addicting. This was a sobering experience.

    — Kelly, United States
  • Good knowledge

    — Donald, United States
  • I really enjoyed this course and learned from it. I do like the way Dr. Blomberg explains things, it makes it easy to understand and fun to listen to. Thank you for this course.

    — Sidney, United States
  • Refreshing and Enriching. Thank you! Would have been great if Dr. Blomberg had expounded more on the four woes in Luke.

    — Margaret, Singapore
  • Keep up the fantastic work! :-)

    — Walter, United States
  • Also I would disagree with some of the answers in the quiz of the 4th lesson. But otherwise this was an interesting lesson

    — Norine, United States
  • This was a good overview of the content.

    — Norine, United States

Course Content

Lesson One
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Two
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Three
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Four
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Five
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Course Wrap-Up
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/2 Steps
Disciple Level
Enrollment Options

Course Details

  • Low Effort
  • 5 Lessons
  • 10 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Discussion Questions

Craig L. Blomberg, PhD

Course Provider

Denver Seminary

Course developed in collaboration with Denver Seminary.