Leading From Your Strengths | Our Daily Bread University
Ministry Leadership | ML108 | (4.31)

Leading From Your Strengths

This course is designed to help you not only discover your God-given strengths, but to also give you a foundation for building an even closer leadership team.

This course is designed to help you not only discover your God-given strengths, but to also give you a foundation for building an even closer leadership team. The teaching by Dr. John Trent and Rodney Cox will share the core biblical principles they’ve seen strengthen teams and families across the country—and that can make a significant difference in your ministry team and family as well.

Although it’s optional, to get the most out of these sessions we recommend completing the 20-page “Leading from Your Strengths Assessment” available here. Please note: Ministry Insights, creator of this assessment, charges for this personal strengths assessment tool. It is not free of charge.

  1. See biblically and practically why your strengths and the strengths of others around you really are “different by design.” You and your team members and family are “placed” in your life and team for a purpose.
  2. Understand the four predictable areas of conflict that every team and every family will face.
  3. Gain skills on turning potential conflicts into cooperation, closeness, and greater caring.
  4. Understand why it’s important to surround your unique strengths with others who do not share your strengths.
  5. Accept that you do not need to be gifted in every area you desire in order to be an effective leader.
Course Rating: 4.31
Based on 29 reviews with the most recent from 3 days ago.
  • The course is good, especially in a group setting with all of the materials present.

    — Ironia, United States
  • Interestingly helpful, supported by Scripture.

    — Adrian, United States
  • Very good course. Not too technical and well presented. Easy to follow also.

    — Helen, United States
  • Excellent

    — Peter, South Africa
  • The lecture was easy to follow from the conversation of the lecturers, they were engaging and interesting.

    — Reginald, United States
  • The course has been an enlightening experience and I’m learning how to learn from a totally different perspective.  

    — Mary, United States
  • It's a good reminder to how as the body of Christ we address conflicts and appreciate our differences.

    — Elaine, Canada
  • Although I found the use of the games of Baseball and Basketball of interest, because I live in the UK I would have preferred the use of other more international games to illustrate this point. Other than this I enjoyed the lecture, and I thought the two presenters worked very well together.

    — Ray, United Kingdom
  • Lot of information in a short time

    — Lynna, United States
  • Very interesting, I would be interested in the larger course.

    — Carla, United States
  • Quite hard to chew through, yet bring so many new insight. Thank you for the class

    — Linda, Indonesia
  • Challenging!

    — Alex ow yong, Singapore
  • This is good info for our diverse group.

    — Dawn, United States
  • Overtly insightful...

    — Ahamefule, United Kingdom
  • This course was extremely helpful in reinforcing leadership styles and methods needed to apply them. It helped to bridge the gaps between aggressive/passive, optimistic/realistic, predictable/dynamic, and the high and low wired people who are all different and all needed in order to make the team's engine run and to accomplish the task.

    — Stephanie, United States

Course Content

Lesson One
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/3 Steps
Lesson Two
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/3 Steps
Course Wrap-Up
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/2 Steps
Leader Level
Enrollment Options

Course Details

  • Low Effort
  • 2 Lessons
  • 15 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources


John Trent, PhD


Rodney Cox, PhD