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Lesson Overview

How do we know that what is in our New Testament is what the apostles actually wrote? How do we know the books in the New Testament are the ones that belong there? This lesson explores these two questions by introducing you to textual criticism and canonicity; two disciplines that provide essential foundations for confidence in the New Testament record.

Lesson Objectives

When you complete this lesson, you should be able to do the following:

  • Explain how the disciplines of textual criticism are done and what they contribute to our confidence in the validity of the New Testament books.
  • Explain the process used to recognize which books to include in the New Testament.
  • List and describe various disciplines used in New Testament studies.
  • Increase your confidence and skill as you study the New Testament.
Personal Reflection

As you proceed through this lesson have the following question in mind.
How would you respond to a person who asks, “Why should I believe the New Testament is more authoritative than the holy books of other religions?”