
So, what do you expect in this tour of Revelation? Clues to interpreting its mysteries? Did you know that looking back at Genesis will open up a lot of the message in Revelation? Let’s find out how this book brings everything in the Bible to a fitting conclusion.

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Well, we made it! The last book in the Bible! If you’ve been with us since Genesis, you’ve come a long way. 

So, what do you expect in this tour of Revelation? Clues to interpreting its mysteries? Did you know that looking back at Genesis will open up a lot of the message in Revelation

Let’s find out how this book brings everything in the Bible to a fitting conclusion. 

If this is your first course in the Bible Journey curriculum, you must first visit the Journey Prep page to understand the background, history, and terminology we will use in the courses.

  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada

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Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 5 Lessons
  • 3 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Tim Laniak, ThD

Course Provider

Bible Journey

Course content is provided courtesy of Bible Journey.