Judges-1 Samuel: Israel’s Choice From God-Rule to Human-Rule

This course covers Judges, Ruth, and 1 Samuel. During Judges, Israel rebelled against God's rule, however, Ruth tells the story of obedience during the same period.


This course, Judges-1 Samuel: Israel’s Choice From God-Rule to Human-Rule, covers the books of Judges, Ruth and the book of 1 Samuel. These books contrast Israel as they rebelled against God’s rule in the period of Judges, but Ruth gives a snapshot of obedience during that same period. 1 Samuel examines Israel’s amazing transition from having God-as-their-King to having men-as-their kings.


Group Exercises
  1. To introduce students to survey information of the Old Testament.
  2. To help develop critical and practical aptitudes in understanding the Bible.
  3. To provide scholarly information that will help students better understand the historical and biblical context of the Old Testament.
  • Good, concise, clear introduction to three historical books in the Old Testament. Dr. Stuart's juxtapositioning of Judges and Ruth in one lecture is novel to me and inspires me to find interesting lessons of contrast between them. (I was wondering, that perhaps is why God inspired the writing of these two books to be included in the Hebrew Canon.) I also concur with Dr. Stuart's idea that 1 Samuel teaches us many lessons about character, and hence leadership, development. I had thought of the book this way many years ago while reading "Mentoring Paradigms". Definitely a course to be recommended.

    — Weng Yuen, Singapore
  • Enjoyed this course as an overview of Judges through 1 Samuel. Low key and interesting as reminder of that period of Israel’s history.

    — Marcia, United States

    — Judith, United States
  • This course went so well with my Old Testament reading plan right now and deepened my level of understanding! I enjoyed every aspect from the devotionals to the PDF lessons to the audio and the transcripts, and the listening guides.

    — Krista, United States
  • This subject is just as exciting and compelling each time I hear it as the first time I heard it as a child. Dr. Stuart is a great lecturer and I do enjoyed taking his courses. Thank you.

    — Sidney, United States
  • I do love the lessons, It is very good to understand. God Bless

    — Jetty, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • Excellent.

    — Giovanni, Italy
  • I appreciate the organization of these courses and I have learned so much about topics I felt like I had studied well before!

    — Alexandria, United States
  • — Toni, United States
  • I have to say that I have really enjoyed this course, because of how interesting the diverse characters have been. I had all these books read in a short amount of time, and have learned details that have caused the biblical chronology of events to make more sense in how they fit in. Thank you for this wonderful course. I'm looking forward to 2 Samuel now :)

    — Karla, United States
  • For an intermediate course, it was great. I always learned something which is the objective. Also, it makes me think hard about my own life.

    — Rob, United States
  • The course helped me to revisit the book of 1 Samuel and consider the main themes and lessons from the history. The lectures and notes were both academic and devotional. They were very helpful for me to understand the book.

    — Mizuho, United States
  • An excellent tool to understand the Old Testament - excellent summary.

    — Danvy, United States
  • Love the overview!

    — Donald, United States
  • These overview courses are great - plenty of gems to be found.

    — Glen, United States
  • Good summary of the book of Judges and 1 Samuel.

    — Kim, United States
  • Thank you for offering this course and accessible for us. Really appreciate how I think you made things easier and understandable. I love that you recognize ACSI. The subscription part is the way to do it and much cheaper! Thank you again!

    — Galilee, United States
  • The course was insightful and beneficial.

    — Dale, United States
  • Sometimes reading Samuel's books seems long and hard to comprehend but this course brought clearer understanding to what had happened in those times and to characters like Samuel, Saul and David. Also, how the declining spirit of Saul failed him as king and was giving to the one whose heart was like the Lord’s, to David.

    — Masayoshi, United States
  • I really appreciate these courses! Thank you!

    — Denise, United States
  • Excellent

    — Stephen, United States
  • I appreciate that it's continually pointed out in the lessons that the lives of these people in the Bible are examples for us to learn from. Some are positive and some are negative. This is discussed and is helpful in my Christian walk.

    — Lori, United States
  • Excellent introduction to the books Judges through 1st Samuel.

    — Spyder, United States
  • Great comprehensive study of the OT Books of Judges and 1 Samuel.

    — Sulaica, United States

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Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 2 Lessons
  • 26 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

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Douglas K. Stuart, PhD