New Testament Basics

This course will show you the importance of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and how to get out of this world alive.


“How to Get Out of the World Alive” might be a better title for the New Testament. The main theme of the New Testament is that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners and to give you a quality of life that would be absolutely impossible if He hadn’t come. How does this good news affect you? What will you do with this amazing gift that God offers you through Jesus Christ? The New Testament Basics course will show you the importance of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and how to get out of this world alive.

  1. Name the different categories of New Testament books.
  2. Summarize the New Testament’s divine love story and explain the role of Christ in this part of the Bible.
  3. Identify the uniqueness of each gospel and its writer and show how the corporate witness of all four gives an in-depth picture of the Person and work of Christ.
  4. Answer the question: “Who is Jesus Christ?”
  5. Give characteristics of miracles and parables and apply principles for correctly interpreting a parable.
  6. Explain the major themes of the book of Acts.
  7. Give a brief biographical sketch of the apostle Paul, including his missionary journeys, and understand his compelling spiritual passion.
  8. Understand key themes and apply important spiritual truths from each of the Epistles.
  9. Give an overview of the book of Revelation and apply spiritual truths from it.
  • This is an extremely beneficial course.

    — Christopher, United States
  • A wonderful and enjoyable overview of the NT ! I do recommend reading the commentary that accompanies the course as this is where much of the learning is. The lectures are good and accurate but very summarized, so if you're looking for a slightly broader understanding, read the commentaries.

    — Michelle, South Africa
  • This course is very informative and well presented. It gives a very good overview of the New Testament. I would highly recommend it.

    — Helen, United States
  • I highly recommend this course. The lessons were easy to learn and very informative.

    — Christine, United Kingdom
  • The New Testament Basic is very brief and easy to understand because of simplicity put forward by the professor.

    — Abraham, United States
  • I enjoyed learning so much more about Paul!

    — Emily, United States
  • Awesome lesson and I learned a lot.

    — Starlene, United States
  • The Bible is fathomless in understanding so I'm encouraged to continue studying God's Word.

    — Paul, United States
  • Really eye opening teachings

    — Samuel, Nigeria
  • Lots of material and topics covered. Very enjoyable and I expect I'll refer back to my notes on this in the future.  

    — Richard, United States
  • Dr. Buzzell is an excellent teacher who is able to capture the essence, big idea, and simple outline of each book very well, and to express it so simply. This helps us capture the original intent of the writer accurately, and arrive at the main points without getting distracted by the side topics or controversial issues (where they do occur). I was so impressed by his 4-point summary of 1 Peter that it inspired me to meditate further and write out a simple tabular outline of 1 Peter!

    — Weng Yuen, Singapore
  • I really enjoyed this overview of the New Testament. It provided me with a basic understanding of the gospel message and how to live a Christian life.  

    — Catherine, United States
  • I loved this course. It was so helpful to me.

    — Holly, United States
  • This course gave me a new, deeper, and richer understanding of what it means to live the Christian life.

    — Cheryl, United States
  • Content good, but found some of the quizz questions were hard to answer  

    — Wendy, Australia
  • Great survey course. Makes me want to learn more.  

    — Sidney, United States
  • Good Stuff! GOD BLESS You all for this Content!

    — Christopher, United States
  • Great course

    — Sharon, United States
  • I gained new insights that are practical

    — Stephen, United States
  • Great course for Bible CEUs for ACSI. Will be recommending to my colleagues.

    — Andrew, United States
  • I really enjoyed the straight forwardness of this course, the lectures were easy to follow and understand.

    — Matthew, United States
  • I loved it, very helpful and easily understood.

    — Mark, United States
  • I am enjoying the course, very glad to be able to learn more.

    — Patricia, United States
  • This course has given me a lot of understanding into what was behind each of the NT books and helped to clarify for me why some of the things were written and how better to apply them.

    — Roger, United States
  • This course has been a great help to me, it opened up the scriptures and enlighten me to study more. It is a blessing.

    — Carolyn, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • Very easy to read and understand

    — Stephanie, United States
  • Challenging, but good.

    — Cheryl, United States
  • It would be nice if the quiz questions were more scripturally bases and fewer based on Dr. Buzzell's opinion

    — Gary, United States
  • I like the comprehensive overview of the course. It gives me an 50,000 foot look at the NT. I do wish the questions to each epistle can be a bit more specific to each book instead of the standard ten questions. A brief conclusion of the end will be helpful to review what we have learned from a high level.

    — Doug, United States
  • Dr. Buzzell did an excellent job with this course, so much so that I will use what I have learned to apply to teaching the Word and living it out, and incorporating it into active Christian counseling ministry.

    — Andre, United States
  • Some of the quiz questions feel more like "nit picky" questions instead of assessing true depth of biblical content .

    — Autumn, United States
  • Would have like to know the right answers to the questions that I missed.

    — Terry, United States
  • I felt this course was harder than expected for 1 CEU.

    — Virginia, United States
  • I enjoyed the course and learned many things.

    — Laurie, United States
  • This course was a great survey of the New Testament.

    — Kathleen, United States
  • The things I've learned from this course have been so helpful in not only my walk with Jesus, but also a tremendous help in the ministries I'm involved in. Thank you so much. God Bless

    — Robert, United States
  • Thumbs Up!

    — Alex ow yong, Singapore
  • Great course!

    — Amanda, United States
  • This was a wonderful experience.

    — Kathleen, United States
  • Loved this overview.

    — Scott, United States
  • Some of the answers were unclear on the assessments . They could have been differently worded.

    — Stephanie, United States
  • Very good course, could have been a little more comprehensive but was good enough to make me hungry for more.

    — Edward, United States
  • Definitely enjoyed this course, thank you

    — Schalk, South Africa
  • Excellent learning material and a huge blessing, thank you

    — Toni, South Africa
  • Learning is taken place, Hallelujah!

    — Solus, United States
  • The course was well planned and organized. I appreciate the videos and additional readings. The quizzes were fair and lesson based. Thanks for everything.

    — Odessa
  • All I can say is - I loved it!!

    — Marci, United States
  • The course really help my understanding and reading of the new testament.

    — Donald, United States
  • I thoroughly enjoyed this course!

    — Adrien, United States

Course Content

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Lesson Eight
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Lesson Nine
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Lesson Ten
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Course Wrap-Up
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Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 10 Lessons
  • 18 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

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Sid Buzzell, PhD