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Unlocking the Parables of Jesus
Lesson OneKeys to Interpreting the Parables3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoExploring the Simpler 3-Point Parables3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeExploring the More Complex 3-Point Parables3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourExploring 2- and 1-Point Parables3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveExploring the Parables: Themes and Conclusions3 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 99
Lesson 1, Activity 1
Overview and Objectives
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Lesson Overview
“There was a man who had two sons…” “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers.” “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls…”
Jesus was a master storyteller. His stories capture our attention and cause us to ponder their meaning. In this first of five lessons Professor of New Testament, Dr. Craig Blomberg, walks us through four different approaches to understanding the parables of Jesus.
Lesson Objectives
When you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
- Explain the four different approaches to understanding Jesus’ parables.
- Discuss problems with early approaches to interpreting the parables.
- Identify the different structures found in the parables.
- Explain why, when interpreting the parables, you must take care not to “sacrifice meaning for the sake of a simple point.”
Personal Reflection
As you proceed through this lesson have the following question in mind.
Is there just one meaning to a parable? And if so, why would Jesus have included such rich detail in these stories?