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New Testament Field Guide
Lesson OneGetting Ready15 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
In | Workbook: New Testament Favorites: Going Deeper
In | The Truth
In | Introducing the New Testament
In | Curious Passages in the New Testament
Behind | Criticism vs. Radical Criticism
Behind | Miracles in the New Testament
Behind | Workbook: Miracles in the New Testament
Behind | Sarcasm in the New Testament
In Front | A Suffering Church
In Front | Workbook: If Only One Book
In Front | Workbook: If Only One Book (First Century)
In Front | Workbook: A Personal Bible Inventory
In Front | The New Testament Journey
Getting Started
Lesson TwoGeopolitics and Culture17 Activities
Getting Started
In | Kings and Kingdoms
In | A Series of Empires
Behind | Israel: "The Land Between"
Behind | Cats and Mice, Phase 1: Greece
Behind | Hellenistic Culture
Behind | Hellenism and Contemporary Worldviews
Behind | The Polis
Behind | Antiochus Epiphanes and the Maccabees
Behind | The Hasmoneans
Behind | Cats and Mice, Phase 3: Rome
Behind | The Culture of the Roman Empire
Behind | Mice: The Herodians
Behind | Greek and Roman Influence in Israel
Behind | iMap: Herod’s Building Projects
In Front | Workbook: Kings of Kingdoms
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeReligious Movements17 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
In | Workbook: Silent Years Festival in John
Behind | Times, Seasons and Ages
Behind | Situating the New Testament in Israel's Timeline
Behind | iMap: Galilee in Jesus’ Day
Behind | Expectations for a Messiah
Behind | Sectarian Judaism: The Issues
Behind | Sectarian Judaism: The Groups
Behind | Sectarian Judaism: The Places
Behind | The Pharisees and Their Enduring Influence in Judaism
Behind | Pharisaic Judaism
Behind | Messianic Anticipation
Behind | Onsite: Herod's Temple in Jerusalem - Dr. Gabriel Barkay
Behind | Jesus and His Disciples
In Front | Workbook: Jesus and Groups
In Front | Jesus' Vision
Getting Started
Lesson Four2nd Temple Period Sources11 Activities|6 Assessments
Getting Started
In | Review of the Old Testament
In | The Septuagint: A Predecessor of the New Testament
In | The Septuagint and the Masoretic Text
Behind | Deuterocanonical Texts
Behind | Pseudepigrapha
Behind | Dead Sea Scrolls, Part 1
Behind | Dead Sea Scrolls, Part 2
Behind | The Dead Sea Scrolls: Dr. Emanuel Tov
In Front | Rabbinic Literature
Getting Started
Lesson FiveImpact of the New Testament16 Activities|5 Assessments
Getting Started
In | Workbook: Into All the World
In Front | Workbook: Impact of the New Testament: Literature
In Front | Dostoevsky’s New Testament
In Front | Workbook: The Impact of the New Testament: Art
In Front | The Artist Who Traveled to the Promised Land
In Front | Van Gogh and the New Testament
In Front | Workbook: The Impact of the New Testament: Film
In Front | The Passion of the Christ
In Front | A Film with Global Reach
In Front | The Impact of the New Testament: Language
In Front | The Sermon on the Mount: A Russian Author, an Indian Lawyer and an African-American Preacher
In Front | A New Testament Epistle Quoted in an Unlikely Constitution
In Front | Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler’s Biblical Response to Atheistic Communism
In Front | Unlikely Location for a New Testament Inscription
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 89
Lesson 1, Activity 8
Behind | Workbook: Miracles in the New Testament
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
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Grab your Workbook Journal!
[Record your answers in the workbook provided at the beginning of this course.]
- In the New Testament, many miracles are described with God implicitly or explicitly being the agent who causes the miraculous to occur. In each case, we can expect that God had a purpose for performing a miraculous event. Pick a miracle from the New Testament (excluding the resurrection) and write a short essay attempting to answer the following questions:
- What was God’s purpose (or what point did He intend to make) with this miracle?
- How does that tie into one or more of the major themes in the New Testament?