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Life, Ministry and Identity of Jesus
Lesson OneNativity and Early Years (Matthew 1–2, Luke 1–2)18 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Matthew 1–2, Luke 1–2
In | Hyperlinking Between the Testaments
In | Onsite: Jesus Gives New Torah - The Mount of Beatitudes
In | Intertestamental Echoes
In | Introduction to the Synoptic Problem
In | Inner-biblical Parallels
Behind | Bethlehem and Shepherds
Behind | Onsite: From Ruth to David to Jesus - In Bethlehem's Shepherds' Fields
Behind | Royal Ambitions: Anxieties in Rome and Jerusalem
Behind | Workbook: Caesar Augustus and Jesus Christ
Behind | Workbook: The Nativity in Context
Behind | Herod
In Front | Workbook: Is There Precedent for the Incarnation in the Old Testament?
In Front | King of Kings and Lord of Lords
In Front | Christianity Today: Magi, Wise Men, or Kings?
In Front | Christianity Today: The Face of Christmas Past
Getting Started
Lesson TwoBaptism and the Desert (Matthew 3–4, Mark 1:1–13, Luke 3–4:13)18 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Matthew 3–4, Mark 1:1–13, Luke 3–4:13
In | Intro to John the Baptist
In | Temptations
In | Workbook: Parallels Between Jesus’ Temptations, the Garden of Eden, and Moral Instruction in John 1
In | Answers: Parallels Between Jesus’ Temptations, the Garden of Eden, and Moral Instruction in John 1
In | Workbook: Parallel Beginnings of John and Jesus
Behind | Ritual Immersion
Behind | Baptism
Behind | Onsite: Purification and Rebirth - Baptism at the Jordan River
Behind | The Desert
Behind | Onsite: The Mount of Temptation - Reliving Israel's Spiritual Journey
In Front | Christian Baptism
In Front | Reflections on Monastic Life at St. Macarius Monastary, Egypt: Abuna Bertie
In Front | Christianity Today: Water Works: Why Baptism is Essential
In Front | Workbook: Baptism Today
In Front | Workbook: Methods of Baptism
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeThe Ministry of Jesus (Mark 1:21–2:12, Luke 4:14–6:49)17 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Mark 1:21–2:12, Luke 4:14–6:49
In | Workbook: Sayings of Jesus
In | Jesus' Ministry: What Did He Do?
In | Literary Structures
In | Chiasm: Jesus Reads Isaiah
In | Bible Project: Public Reading of Scripture
Behind | Galilee (Nazareth, Capernaum)
Behind | Onsite: Capernaum - The Second Home of Jesus
Behind | Onsite: Hellenism and Jewish Piety in the North - View from Sepphoris
Behind | Urban and Rural Life in Galilee: Dr. Eric Meyers
Behind | Samaria and Judea
Behind | Ministering to the Marginalized
In Front | Legitimate Objects of God's Mercy
In Front | Workbook: How Has Jesus Ministered to You and Those You Know?
In Front | Legitimate Witnesses to God's Glory
Getting Started
Lesson FourThe Miracles of Jesus (Mark 5–6, John 2, 20)14 Activities|3 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Mark 5–6, John 2, 20
In | Jesus' Authority
In | Compassion
In | Meaning: "Signs"
In | Workbook: Jesus’ Authority in Miracles
In | Workbook: Parabolic Miracles
In | Workbook: Two Parallel Healings in Mark
Behind | Miracles or Signs and Wonders
Behind | Onsite: Sight and Blindness - Jesus at the Pool of Siloam
In Front | Miracles vs. Magic
In Front | Workbook: What Kind of Sign Would Convince You?
In Front | Christianity Today: A New Age of Miracles
Getting Started
Lesson FiveThe Identity of Jesus18 Activities
Getting Started
In | Son and Prophet
In | Predictions, Prophecies, Promises and Foreshadow
In | Jesus and Israel
Behind | Messianic Claimants in the Time of Jesus
Behind | Workbook: Messianic Claimants in the Time of Jesus
In Front | Christology and Why It Matters
In Front | Christianity Today: Why Jesus' Skin Color Matters
In Front | Early Mistakes About the Identity of Jesus
In Front | Workbook: Early Mistakes About the Identity of Jesus
In Front | Workbook: Reflection: When Your Savior is YHWH
In Front | The Quests for the Historical Jesus
In Front | Christianity Today: The Jesus We’ll Never Know
In Front | Christianity Today: Abandon Studying the Historical Jesus? No, We Need History
In Front | Christianity Today: Abandon Studying the Historical Jesus? No, Jesus Studies Matter
In Front | Christianity Today: Abandon Studying the Historical Jesus? No, We Need Context
In Front | Workbook: The Quests for the Historical Jesus
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 57
Lesson 1, Activity 8
Behind | Bethlehem and Shepherds
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
The shepherds in Luke are a fixture in every Nativity scene. But what Old Testament history does this recall in Bethlehem?