Lesson 3, Activity 3
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.
- What is a covenant?
- What was a “suzerain-vassal treaty”? What was a suzerain? A vassal?
- What was a “parity treaty”?
- What was a “universal covenant”?
- What was a “national covenant”?
- Who is the representative of the new covenant?
- Describe each covenant. Give the name for each one as mentioned in the lesson.
- The covenant with Adam.
- The covenant with Noah.
- The covenant with Abraham.
- The covenant with Moses.
- The covenant with David.
- The covenant of fulfillment in Christ.
- Which covenants were “national” covenants?
- “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new ________with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah” (Jeremiah 31:31)
- “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time … I will put my law in their minds and write it on their _______. I will be their God, and they will be my people. (Jeremiah 31:33)
- What are the three stages of the unfolding of the new covenant age?
- What illustration is used to explain the development of covenant policies over history?
- “Each Old Testament covenant had different covenant representatives and focused on policies that were appropriate for a particular time in history. But… there was ______ unity despite these changes.”
- Describe the relationship between the covenants of the Old Testament. What happened to a previous covenant when a new stage was established?
- How does the lesson explain the relationship of the new covenant with the Old Testament covenants?
- What does Lesson 3 teach about God’s interactions with his people? Are they often beyond human comprehension?
- What are the three key principles of God’s covenants with His people?
- What is the difference between “common grace” and “saving grace”?
- In what two senses are believers united with Christ? Explain their meanings.
- Mention the examples of how God tested the loyalty of His people in the Old Testament.
- Does the new covenant require tests of loyalty?
- What was the height of Jesus’ manifestation of His loyalty as the new covenant representative?
- What is justification?
- What is sanctification?
- “Prior to the new covenant, the consequences of both blessings and _____ were crucial dimensions of God’s interactions with his covenant representatives, and with his covenant people as a whole.”
- In what ways did Christ, as the representative of the new covenant, experience both God’s curses and God’s blessings?
- “Because we are ‘in Christ,’ every ______ _______ of God has already been assigned to true believers.”
- Do believers experience the consequences of obedience or disobedience in their daily lives? Explain.
- “The blessings that true believers receive in this life are _______ of the eternal blessings that will come at the consummation of the kingdom.”
Application Questions
Application questions are intended for group discussions.
- How does the concept of the covenant help you understand your relationship with God? How does it help you understand the meaning of salvation?
- Do you sometimes feel like you are still living in the time of the Old Testament, in terms of your relationship to God? Why?
- What aspects of the new covenant are especially encouraging to you? Why?
- How do you tend to think the New Testament and the Old Testament are related? Do you tend to make too much distinction? Do you tend to make too little distinction? Did the lesson help you understand this relationship? How?
- How does the concept of common grace change the way you think about non Christians and their contributions to society?
- How does the distinction between being “in Christ” and having Christ “in us” help you understand the different aspects of your salvation and your relationship with God?
- How can you harmonize the concept of salvation by grace with the teaching that we experience the consequences of obedience or disobedience as Christians?
- Have you experienced the consequences of obedience and disobedience in your Christian life? Explain.
- What is the most important lesson you have learned in this lesson?
- What is the most important lesson you have learned in this whole course?