The Sermon on the Mount

A clearer summary of Jesus' teachings can be found in His Sermon on the Mount. In this course, learners study the Sermon as found in Matthew 5-7.


Nowhere is the essence of Jesus’ teachings more clearly portrayed than in His Sermon on the Mount. In this course, learners complete an expository and reading study of the Sermon as found in Matthew 5-7. Students examine key issues in the Sermon and analyze the various interpretations therein. The lectures concentrate on both theological and practical questions raised in the Sermon, such as “How did Christ fulfill the law?” and “How should Christians relate to their world?” Throughout the course, Dr. Scott encourages learners to apply the Sermon’s principles to life and ministry.

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  1. Appreciate the message of the Sermon on the Mount as God’s Word for our salvation and growth.
  2. Explain the special theological difficulties raised by the Sermon on the Mount.
  3. Propose solutions to the theological difficulties raised by the Sermon on the Mount.
  4. Compare and contrast the ways the Pharisees handled the law with the way Christ fulflled the law.
  5. Apply key principles from the Sermon to contemporary life and ministry.
  6. Honor God with your life by being different from the world.
  • Thank you for being able to share and glean from Dr. Stott the more detailed truths of the Sermon on the Mount.

    — Johann, United States
  • Fascinating. I want to live the Sermon on the Mount - Lord help me! If I can just remember it all.

    — Matthew, United States
  • Overall this was an excellent course. However, I felt that the questions on the quiz did not reflect the most significant content of the material.

    — Laura, United States
  • Great course. Learned a lot. Would recommend it to others

    — John, United States
  • Well this was a most enjoyable course. First of all, I had the privilege of learning from this wonderful renowned teacher, Dr. Stott. And then to hear, to actually listen to his delivery, pickup up on how much he loved the Lord and His word, and the desire that we do the same really touched my heart. Such a humble man. I want to thank you for offering this course. My prayer is that all ODB University students will take the time to take this particular course. God bless.

    — Pamela, United States
  • Excellent study. It was very thorough and filled with corroborating scripture and analysis.

    — Kim, United States
  • A most rewarding course. I would definitely recommend it to others.

    — Russell, United States
  • Wow, amazing and extremely helpful

    — Trevor, United States
  • Fantastic!!!! The teaching on the whole Sermon on the Mountain is needed, to truly Live the Christian life. It brings us to reflection and examining our lives, and to seek Christ truly and the Grace of God, I am now planning how to present and teach this my self

    — John, United States

Course Content

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Lesson Five
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Lesson Six
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Lesson Seven
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Lesson Eight
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Lesson Nine
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Lesson Ten
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Course Wrap-Up
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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 10 Lessons
  • 49 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Transcripts Outlines Discussion Questions

John R. W. Stott, DD (1921-2011)

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Institute of Theological Studies (ITS).