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This activity supports learning objective 3.

Christian Learning Center Forums How do Dr. Ward’s definitions of leadership, ministry, and calling compare with your own?


  • Juliana Nevarrez

    04/22/2023 at 00:55

    What I understand about leadership is a leader serves people, disciples people, influence people, and empower people. Jesus was the perfect example of an effective leader. He came to serve not to be served.

  • Ting hui Lee

    03/28/2023 at 06:59

    Someone who observes and care about the people in their team, and step in to assist them to reach the team’s goal, their potential as well as their wellbeing.

  • Bethany Driggs Driggs

    01/25/2023 at 07:02

    My understanding of leadership is influencing others toward a common goal.

  • Sally Bishai

    12/09/2022 at 04:08

    I always felt it was modelling a behaviour or teaching something or serving others, taking care of others, helping, supporting, making a difference. (I like the more-succinct definition of “influence” :))

  • Ken

    12/01/2022 at 18:16

    Again, due to the churches I was raised in as a young person, leadership seems to have been relegated to adults that were involved in specific roles within the church, i.e. Sunday school teachers, pastors, deacon, etc.

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