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This activity supports learning objective 3.

Christian Learning Center Forums How do Dr. Ward’s definitions of leadership, ministry, and calling compare with your own?


  • Donna Kuchem

    08/27/2022 at 11:59

    To me, leadership is the ability to get others to want to follow. Some leaders do this naturally while others have to actively develop and cultivate that skill.

  • Philip Humber

    08/23/2022 at 12:04

    My understanding of leadership has always been the ability to encourage people to do more than they believe they can, whether that’s in ministry or just in life in general.

  • Cecelia Hubbard

    07/25/2022 at 11:13

    Leadership is an influence, an empowerment in a person or persons lives. Leadership requires a lot of selflessness.
    Leadership is a powerful position. Seek God in this position always…and do not abuse any leadership position. I believe this to be very important.

  • Julianna Overmeyer

    07/16/2022 at 04:07

    Leadership is anywhere you have influence. I have always seen my role as mother, neighbor, employee, church member, or friend as a place where I have influence. Whether I was assigned formally to lead, or other people are watching what I do, I have the opportunity to lead by example.

  • Elisabeth Calub

    07/13/2022 at 00:56

    My understanding of leadership is being able to empower people, especially in areas in which they are experts.

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