Prayer Basics

Discover what Scripture reveals about God’s desire for prayer and why prayer matters. Learn practical strategies for how to pray and identify some action steps for practicing them.


In this course you will discover what Scripture reveals about God’s desire for prayer and why prayer matters. You will learn practical strategies for how to pray and identify some action steps for practicing them.

  1. Develop a scriptural and personal understanding of prayer and explain it to others.
  2. Identify multiple ways to pray and select the ones that are most meaningful for you.
  3. Recognize obstacles to prayer and identify effective ways to address them.
  • This course was very informative and easy to navigate. It has given me positive direction on daily living.

    — Clariece, United States
  • An insightful course for any level of believer! There's pearls of wisdom everywhere even if you've been praying for a long time. My biggest learning is what a privilege prayer is.

    — Michelle, South Africa
  • In this course, we learn to pray based on the Scriptures, inviting God into our lives. Prayer is not just talking to God, it is to revere Him, listen to Him, and grow a deep relationship with Him. We also learn to praise the Lord, and to be thankful to His many blessings. When we pray, we don't just pray for ourselves, we pray also for others, and learn to pray with others. Praying for others helps us to be sincere, and love them, through prayer. Prayer requires perseverance and this course gives us many testimonies.

    — Nane, United States
  • Very insightful and encouraging read, helping me learn how to pray constantly and how to incorporate the Scripture in my prayer life.

    — Sally, Singapore
  • Outstanding experience taking this course. I really learned and I really loved it. I pray I put it all into practice.

    — Jeri, United States
  • Great course, for new believers and mature believers alike. Understanding the true nature of prayer and how the Father wants to be in close relationship with us is the point. Blessed by this.

    — Chuck, United States
  • This course has been an inspirational journey for me. Each topic had given me new insight on how and what prayer is supposed to be. I thank God for giving me the chance to enroll in this lesson.

    — Enrique, Philippines
  • I enjoyed the course. There are things that I learnt here which I cannot learn elsewhere.

    — Dora, Australia
  • This course will help your faith as it did mine...Give God a chance to show you how much He loves you.

    — Ollie, United States
  • It was well worth taking this course to be reminded of the basics of prayer and to be inspired and shown examples of deeper prayer and the nuances of prayer as our lifeline and relationship with God.

    — Kristine, Canada
  • I think everyone should take this course. Pastor James Banks is an outstanding speaker, and his sincerity is a blessing. He uses tons of Scripture, and many faithful Christians' quotes to strengthen his teachings.

    — Carrie, United States
  • Prayer Basics was an excellent course that addressed questions I have had over the years about fasting, unanswered prayers, persevering, and the like. I printed and kept the transcripts for each lesson so that I might go back and refer to them in the future.

    — Rebecca, United States
  • This course has really helped me to understand prayer, and how to pray more effectively. It has also helped to turn my concerns into prayer, and giving God thanks.

    — Yvonne, United States
  • This course was one of the hardest courses I have done, not because the material was difficult, but rather because the heart work was difficult. This course had me crying and pouring my heart out to God. I often procrastinated, and took 4x longer than I should have to complete the module, because I didn't want to deal with issues that I knew would arise. But I have gotten through and there is peace on the other side! I recommend reading the recommended readings that are provided as well (I didn't buy the books that are recommended on the one day); most take about an hour to read slowly and process, but they definitely provide a better understanding and more heart work.

    — Lily, Canada
  • I stumbled on this site right when I was supposed to. The content is very helpful and informative. I’ll be able to come back to it to refresh and recharge when needed. I see myself already getting closer to God in my prayer life. He is always with me and always at work in my life.

    — Phyllis, United States
  • I have been looking for something to teach me more about prayer and that course helped to put me on the right path and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    — Leora, Bermuda
  • I learned a great deal about my own prayer life, and how to pray more intentionally.

    — Terri, United States
  • The course was delivered well. It was very engaging.

    — Michael, United Kingdom
  • Very excellent course to take.

    — Abraham, United States
  • This course opened my thinking about prayer, I have always had trouble praying out loud in groups. I feel more confident about it and understand some of the fears I've held on to better.

    — Carla, United States
  • This course reminds me of my need to keep my prayer habits of having Jesus with me constantly. Deep prayer is in private, but talking to Him and being with Him is as natural as breathing. I sometimes think I should put my prayers more scholarly, but I’m too used to just being His child.

    — Marcia, United States
  • Very good course, a must for everyone. This will certainly make our lives and relationship with the Father fulfilling.

    — Tracey, United States
  • Enriching, and memorable. It definitely fed my soul and spirit.

    — Rafeal, United States
  • I got more than I hoped for from this course. It will be a go-to source for me in my prayer life. I see more of Jesus and how He wants me to be with Him. I’m very thankful that the Lord lead me here! Thank you ODBU! Thank you JESUS!

    — Jill, United States
  • I enjoyed the lectures and different resources to use in this course. I thought the material was applicable and I am looking forward to using what I have learned about prayer to strengthen my relationship with the Lord.

    — Tiffany, United States
  • Thank you for teaching on a level that I can understand! Which furthers my knowledge of my Lord and Savior. Giving me a closer walk with Him and the confidence to share the the Gospel of Jesus with others.

    — Deanna E, United States
  • This course provides the framework for every believer who wants to learn the true essence of prayer and what it means to pray.

    — Kevin, United States
  • I loved it. I've always struggled to pray in public. This course was very valuable in my understanding of what prayer is and is not. I know it has helped me to be more aware of communicating with God about not only the big matters of life, but also the small ones.

    — Tonya, United States
  • The course made me realize how much I missed in growing my relationships with God through prayer. I will pray more and enjoy talking and listening to Him now.

    — Alfredo, United States
  • It is a must study course for every Christian

    — Jennifer, Hong Kong SAR China
  • Excellent. It encourages me to pray and have a more close relationship with God.

    — Brenda, United States
  • I learned that prayer is more than questions and answers. It is about to be with God, THAT IS AMAZING! Thanks

    — Marianella, United States
  • Excellent course. God bless

    — Joseph, Kenya
  • I am so thankful and grateful for this opportunity to grow even more in God's word. This course is something all churches need to implement and Christain schools and every believer can add to their to do list for growing in faith.

    — Ora
  • Excellent class! Very insightful and helpful to my Christian walk and understanding of God. The lessons were down to earth and helped correct misconceptions I had about prayer. A very important course and a blessing to me.

    — Russell, United States
  • I really enjoyed the part that taught about unanswered prayers. Gained a lot  

    — Farai, South Africa
  • This was my first time taking a course with Our daily Bread University and I thoroughly enjoyed the lesson. I was able to go at my own pace.

    — John, United States
  • Really valuable course, I learned so much, I came to understand where my short comings were and begin putting more praying into practice. Thank you for having this course, it's necessary and needful.

    — Darlene, United States
  • I thoroughly enjoyed this course! I felt the lectures were outstanding and gave plenty of practical tools to use to strengthen prayer habits.

    — Daryl, United States
  • Oh, I am so grateful for the course and the presenter. I have done this same course before and loved it then, and I was prompted to do it again just recently. I know the Lord has richly blessed me through applying myself to each of the lessons, and listening carefully to Dr. Banks. I am encouraged to keep praying, and I feel, like Phillips Brooks, a deeper trust in God’s goodness to me.

    — Richard, Australia
  • The course is very enlightening, easy to understand and it helped me understand more about how to develop a prayerful life.

    — Susan media, Zimbabwe
  • Incredibly clear and compelling teaching by James Banks.

    — John, United States
  • Very Good Course/Teaching.

    — Donna, Germany
  • Dr. James Banks is a very candid, sincere, earnest, and practical speaker. He speaks from his own painful experience of having a prodigal son. He not so much teaches as he pleads with us and encourages us to pray. His testimony, examples, and suggestions are practical. His discussion questions are related to what he said in his lecture - yet instead of being merely repetitive, his questions are well crafted to nudge you to think more deeply and relate them to yourself. A truly well-respected teacher.

    — Weng Yuen, Singapore
  • Very well done and presented in a consistent and understandable way. I learned a lot, and also rediscovered some things that I only knew partially before, but now understand them which will assist me into putting them into action.

    — Richard, United States
  • I really enjoyed the subject on prayer I learned somethings that I didn't know before.

    — David Eugene, United States
  • While they are all really good, this course was the best and most instructive so far.  

    — Jeffrey, United States
  • Realistic and helpful  

    — Charles, Singapore
  • I so learned from both the Scriptures and the quotes from others about prayer and our relationship with God.

    — Wendy, Canada
  • Great study on prayer. Thank you!

    — Lynette, United States

Course Content

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Lesson Nine
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Lesson Ten
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Course Details

  • Low Effort
  • 10 Lessons
  • 17 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

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James Banks, DMin