Principles of Leadership Development | Our Daily Bread University
Ministry Leadership | ML113 | (4.72)

Principles of Leadership Development

This course will help you determine the enemies of a growing church, develop problem-solving strategies and decide to complete your God-given mission.

Adapted from lectures delivered at Willow Creek’s Leadership Summit by 5 of today’s most influential leaders, this course offers principles of effective multicultural leadership. In this course, you will learn how to become a transformational leader, identify the enemies of a growing church, develop problem-solving strategies, resolve to complete your God-given mission, and effectively lead multicultural communities.

Legacy Collection
Discover the vintage value and relevance of these classic courses. Our instructors provide new insights into your faith through a variety of subjects. We acquired many of these courses from the Institute of Theological Studies (ITS). From ITS’s world-class professors, you'll gain seminary-level instruction.

  1. Identify models or stages of leadership that culminate in transformational leadership.
  2. Describe the major enemies of a growing church.
  3. Discuss keys to problem-solving.
  4. Resolve to complete his/her God-given mission.
  5. Understand effective leadership in multicultural communities.
Course Rating: 4.72
Based on 9 reviews with the most recent from 7 months ago.
  • This course reminds me of another conference I attended called Kingdom Invasion, anchored by Bill Hybels. For such a practical subject as leadership development, it was good to be able to listen to five speakers. Each presented their different perspectives, coming from their different backgrounds and journeys, and sharing different passions. At different points in different lectures, I was enabled to make reflections - sometimes about my own journey, struggles, and upcoming venture; sometimes about the condition or dysfunctionality of the leadership rung of my current church.

    — Leong, Singapore
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • The lectures all met my specific needs. It's like they were speaking my life.

    — Farai, South Africa
  • It was so good to see and hear the different presentations. Some of the speakers made good use of humor to get their point across. This worked very very well. Other speakers made use of a more serious approach, but this did fit well with the topic they spoke on, and about.

    — Ray, United Kingdom
  • Good...thank you

    — James, United States
  • Excellent illustrations to explain the concepts!

    — Everett, United States
  • Great conversation and easy to learn from

    — Sandra, United States
  • This course is excellent.

    — Yingkun, United States
  • The course overall provided me with an understanding of why and how people with analytical differences could actually function cooperatively on a team.

    — Pernelope, United States
  • I enjoyed the course. The information I learned will be helpful in my professional and personal lives.

    — Lynette, United States
  • I found this course a little more difficult but it was helpful.

    — Veronica, United States
  • The analogies were good and made it easy for me to imagine this situation in my work place.

    — Mary, United States
  • This course Leading from your Strengths is a very valuable course for leadership. The information obtained will be put to good use in my daily living. Thank you very much.

    — Adrienne, United States
  • Great learning materials!

    — Leeric, United States
  • Good, love, love. Thank you course was wonderful

    — Ingrid, United States
  • Enjoyed the course and the instructor.

    — Kenneth, United States
  • The content helps to develop my introspection process. I like the format.

    — Charlotte, United States
  • Very Good information and is given to you in portions that you can grasp quickly

    — Leroy, United States
  • Enjoyed material covered.

    — Alice, United States
  • Awesome, so glad and privileged to be able to access and learn!

    — Chancellor, United States
  • This first course has been helpful and much needed for the area of ministry that I am currently holding a title of an Elder. Thank you!

    — Angle, United States
  • The course was informative and helpful in ministry and family life!

    — Lindsey, United States
  • This course has been helpful and much needed for the area of ministry where I am currently holding a title of an Elder. Thank you!

    — Angel, United States
  • This lesson provided some powerful and easy to implement team building strategies. These strategies will help me apply what I have learned today with my team tomorrow.

    — Yvonne, United States
  • It catered to all people who learn in different ways. Some learn [through] reading - transcript was provided. Some [learn through] listening - an audio was provided. Some [through] seeing and a video was provided. It really helps to have those options. The baseball and glasses example really explained so easy and well. Thank you!

    — Lynsey, United States
  • Overall course was good.

    — Sergio, United States
  • Great course, great teachers.

    — Sondra, United States
  • WOW!!! It is revolutionary, encouraging, challenging, confrontational and yet loaded with a message of HOPE for individuals, groups and Churches. It is easy to understand but too challenging, practical and insightful. Thank you for this life-changing course.

    — Sebo, United States
  • The course material was very practical, helpful, and ready to be used by learners right away in their daily lives.

    — Joseph, United States
  • I feel like these courses are vital to anyone trying to not only live right but to be a leader. Most people in leadership are someone totally different at home. I'm so grateful to know that I am needed just the way I am created.

    — Lillie, United States
  • This course [has] been an eye opener for me. I am now in a better position to appreciate differences in others and using those differences to fulfill God's purpose for my life in ministry and other areas. The information provided is well-balanced and to the point.

    — Festus, United States
  • I really enjoyed hearing from a variety of different pastors and leaders on this topic of leadership. I have learned to see myself as a leader because of where God has placed me and how He wants to use me. It was especially helpful to hear how problems are common in transformation and growth!

    — Lissy, United States

Course Content

Lesson One
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Two
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Three
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Four
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Five
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Course Wrap-Up
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/2 Steps
Leader Level
Enrollment Options

Course Details

  • Low Effort
  • 5 Lessons
  • 44 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Discussion Questions

Rev. Floyd H. Flake


Rev. James T. Meeks


A. R. Bernard, Sr.


Kenneth C. Ulmer, PhD


Efrem Smith, DMin