Theology Basics | Our Daily Bread University
Systematic Theology | ST101 | (4.71)

Theology Basics

In this course you will study the central doctrines of the Bible and how they fit into God’s plan for your redemption and for His glory.

Does the word doctrine intimidate you? How would you define doctrine? Doctrine is defined as biblical truths that are taught, believed, and practiced. When you understand the term, it can both encourage and empower you. In Theology Basics you will study the central doctrines of the Bible and how they fit into God’s plan for your redemption and for His glory. Don’t let doctrine intimidate you—dig into this study today. And don’t miss the “Listening Guide” available with each lecture for practical help in applying what you learn!

  1. Define the term “doctrine.”
  2. Identify key aspects of the nature and purposes of God and of the person and work of Jesus Christ.
  3. Explain who the Holy Spirit is and what ministries He performs.
  4. Articulate key ideas concerning the divine origin and composition of the Bible.
  5. Identify key concepts of the doctrine of salvation.
  6. Understand the doctrine of the church.
  7. Explain the doctrines of the spirit world and of the future.
Course Rating: 4.71
Based on 113 reviews with the most recent from 1 week ago.
  • Be prepared to increase learning.

    — Robert, United States
  • This class can help you get a firm grasp of the basics of Theology. I recommend that all Christians interested in Theology (and they should be) take this class and others offered by ODBU.

    — Kevin, United States
  • This course is a super blessing

    — Shemuwel, United States
  • All the Christian doctrines are laid out simply and easy to understand; well worth taking a few evenings for every Christian to read over and know.

    — Kristine, Canada
  • This course is short and to the point for foundational studies of the principles of our faith.

    — Rebeca, United States
  • Thank you for exposing me to the basic material and gaining a deeper understanding of the basics in my journey of service.

    — Raymond, United States
  • This course has given me the view point that doctrine helps to improve relationships with God.

    — Gloria, Nigeria
  • I have a better understanding of Church doctrine.

    — Terri, United States
  • I love that there is a Theology Basics lesson that I could take to solidify the foundations of my faith in learning and understanding. I can't wait to dive deeper into the teachings of theology!

    — Erica, United States
  • The course was simple and pretty much straightforward for a theological starter like me.

    — Wesley, United States
  • This course gave me a great intro into Theology.

    — John, United States
  • I would recommend this course to someone I know. It's a good source of knowledge, understanding, and guidance.

    — Paul, United States
  • This course will benefit Christians at all levels.

    — Everett, United States
  • I have been a Christian for many years, but this course challenged me to continue to wrestle with important questions, as well as ponder the deep love that Jesus has for every person in the world. Thank you for making it easy to follow. There were a few quiz questions that were a bit confusing, but mostly the quizzes were well done. Thank you!

    — Sarah, Canada
  • I enjoyed taking this course. It is a short detailed course introducing the principles of Theology.

    — Michael, United States
  • Theology has often sounded formidable to many Christians. Indeed it does cover many topics, and its points must be backed by many verses. Here the lecturer has succeeded in giving a quick overview (and yet not a shallow one) on the scope of Theology. I really appreciate the way he has been able to select the important points and present them very clearly, logically and systematically. I recommend this systematic theology course.

    — Weng Yuen, Singapore
  • I learned more about the different millennial reigns and additional actions of Satan that I was unaware of.  

    — Terry, Canada
  • An amazing overview of doctrine.

    — Melissa, United States
  • I felt the information on the Triune God was presented very well. Also, I like the easy flow of language and thoughts throughout the course. The fourth session gave an interesting view of The Doctrine of the Future. This is the first time I was presented with all these future possibilities when our Lord returns for the Rapture. I still need to read more on this topic because , personally, I know where I stand, but all these variables have left me a bit confused and startled! This was a powerful lesson for me.

    — Katherine, United States
  • Interesting & factual course content supported by scriptural references. Was really worthwhile working through the activities. Pleased I took the time to 'get back to basics.' All believers need to regularly 'take stock' of what they believe & why.

    — Colin, Australia
  • This was a a good review for me. I hope there is a theology intermediate because I am blessed to say I knew all of that, so I’m ready for the next level.

    — Joann, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • The course was interesting and gave me new insight on the rapture and the different interpretations, whilst emphasising that the most important aspect which is that Christ will return.

    — Brenda, United Kingdom
  • Helped answer questions in a formal way that otherwise would be hard for me. Useful information to pass in to others

    — Tyler, United States
  • Very good overview of key theological elements

    — Gary, United States
  • I am so glad I discovered ODB University through one of my devotion readings. Thank you for these courses. I am looking forward to continuing my learning and sharing it with others, believers and unbelievers alike.

    — Anita, United States
  • I was raised in the church with my family. As a child and young adult the basics were taught to me and for the most part I have not reviewed the basics as I had already developed my beliefs. This course has really enlightened my senses and reaffirmed my beliefs. Outstanding! Whether you are a new believer or an old one like me I recommend taking the course. Thank you. You should make this into a booklet form like the ones you put out in churches. Great for new believers that have so many questions but may feel uncomfortable asking or don't know what to ask.

    — Virginia, United States
  • I have recommited my life to Jesus from taking this course.

    — Monica, United States
  • I enjoyed this course very much because it provided enlightenment on the Doctrine of the spirit world and provided three different Christian views on the resurrection that I did not know existed.

    — Lula, United States
  • Absolutely love how you have everything set up! I was reminded of important issues and learned new ones.

    — Christopher, United States
  • This course is outstanding and greatly needed.

    — Gary, United States
  • Great and wonderful refresher.

    — Cynthia, United States
  • It answers my question. What's theology is about?

    — Solus, United States
  • Enjoyed putting things in order. Looking forward to more learning in doable chunks

    — Beth, United States
  • I liked this course and its content. I felt that it was very useful in providing both Biblical and spiritual insights and enhancements.

    — Dale, United States
  • This was a great review of things that I’ve learned through previous studies. I highly recommend this course for those who are getting their feet wet.

    — Doug, United States
  • Great course for new believers and also as a review for seasoned saints.

    — Kathryn, United States
  • Although I had a general knowledge included in this course, I deepened my understanding. It was so well designed, clear, and summarized the indispensable base that we need to approach the study of the Bible. This is the foundation of our faith, and I think that how this course was presented, it will help me to share my faith with others.

    — Ghislaine, United States

Course Content

Lesson One
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Two
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Three
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Four
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Course Wrap-Up
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/2 Steps
Apprentice Level
Enrollment Options

Course Details

  • Low Effort
  • 4 Lessons
  • 9 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Discussion Questions

Our Daily Bread University