Discipleship in Sports Ministry

This course explores how to incorporate discipleship into your ministry as you identify and address unique challenges.


Why should discipleship be an essential part of your sports ministry? How do you develop disciples amid the unique challenges present in the world of sports? Learn answers to these questions and more as you discover valuable approaches to incorporating discipleship into your ministry.

  • Explain the critical nature of both evangelism and discipleship in sports ministry.
  • Identify strategies for making evangelism and discipleship a key component of your sports ministry.
  • Describe key concepts and methods for developing disciples.
  • Explain how to incorporate the teaching of spiritual disciplines into your sports ministry.
  • Describe the importance of the fruit of the Spirit in sport and how you can help develop it in those entrusted to your care.
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • Enjoyable, easy to navigate and a useful guide as an introduction to Sports Ministry.

    — Colin, United Kingdom
  • The course and speakers were very informative. Received lots of tips and value to this course

    — Leon, Canada
  • I liked it. Thank you. It was definitely beneficial to my growth.

    — Jason, United States
  • I found this course to be enriching, not initially recognizing that to have a "Sports Ministry" of a formal nature in the professional side of the games was so unusual. Hopefully, I will be able to use what I have learned in other areas of a Consecrated Diaconal Ministry soon.

    — Mark, United States
  • I am so happy that I participated in this course. Each presenter did a great job giving me what I need to continue to expand God's Kingdom agenda.

    — Angela, United States
  • I loved hearing from the variety of chaplains regarding how to disciple within the sports world. This was extremely helpful as I am just in my 2nd year of serving as a chaplain for a pro sports team. Thank you!  

    — Melissa, United States
  • This is inspiring and motivating in helping others to know the Lord Jesus

    — Angie, United Kingdom

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Course Details

  • Low Effort
  • 4 Lessons
  • 15 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Jeff Totten


Mickey Weston


Tom Roy


Fleceia Comeaux