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Teaching of Jesus
Lesson OneKingdom of God (Matthew 5–7, Luke 6–7)15 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Matthew 5–7, Luke 6–7
In | Workbook: The Kingdom of God
In | The Kingdom of God in the Old Testament
In | Workbook: The Kingdom of God and the Rich Man
In | Reign and Realm
In | “Already” and “Not Yet”: A Present and Future Reality
In | Bible Project: Gospel of the Kingdom
Behind | Jewish Eschatology
Behind | Onsite: The Embalming of Jacob - Egyptologist Essam Zeid in Giza
In Front | “Faith” as Living in the Overlap of the Ages
In Front | Leaning into the Age to Come
In Front | Living by Faith in the Overlap of the Ages
In Front | Workbook: Living by Faith in the Overlap of the Ages
Getting Started
Lesson TwoDiscipleship (Matthew 10, 16, Mark 10)16 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Matthew 10, 16, Mark 10
In | Discipleship and Family
In | Imitation of Christ: Jesus and His Disciples
In | Christianity Today: What Happened to Jesus' 'Brothers'?
Behind | The Binding Authority of Rabbis
Behind | Seat of Moses
Behind | The Gates of Hell
Behind | “On This Rock I Will Build My Church”
Behind | Christianity Today: How Jesus Discipled Women
Behind | Onsite: Sermon on the Mount - A New Ethic for a New Kingdom
In Front | The Cross, Literally!
In Front | Taking Up Our Cross
In Front | Christianity Today: Jesus Was Her Guru
In Front | Workbook: Imitation of Christ
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeProphetic Critique (Jeremiah 7, Matthew 11, 23, Mark 14–16)14 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Jeremiah 7, Matthew 11, 23, Mark 14–16
In | Jesus the Prophet and Religiosity
In | Reading Jesus as a Pre-Exilic Prophet
In | Workbook: Jesus’ Prophetic Critique in Matthew 23
In | Workbook: Jesus’ Predictions and their Fulfillment in Mark 14–16 - Pt. 2
Behind | A Leadership Audit for Israel
Behind | Onsite: Judgment on the City - Jesus Arrives on Palm Sunday
Behind | Onsite: Jesus Arrives on Palm Sunday - A Parabolic Sign in Bethpage
In Front | Servant Leadership
In Front | Workbook: Implications for Prophetic Critique in Modern World
In Front | Workbook: Jesus as a Prophet in Christianity and Islam
In Front | Christianity Today: To Judge, or Not to Judge
Getting Started
Lesson FourIntroduction to Parables (Luke 14–16, 18–19)21 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Luke 14–16, 18–19
In | Workbook: Favorite Parable
In | Introduction to Parables
In | The Nuance and Flexibility of Parables
In | The Impact of Parables
In | Concealing and Revealing through Parables
In | Workbook: Characteristics of Jesus’ Parables
In | Workbook: Parable Parallels
Behind | The Rabbi as Teacher
Behind | A Jewish Parable
Behind | Prodigal Son or Foolish Father: A Middle Eastern Perspective - Dr. Wageeh Mikhail
Behind | Banquets in Luke: Dr. Wageeh Mikhail
Behind | 360 View: The Carpenter's Son
In Front | Teaching with Stories
In Front | Using Analogies in Relationships
In Front | All Theology Is Analogical
In Front | Talking About God
In Front | Workbook: Creating a Parable
In Front | Teaching Like Jesus
Getting Started
Lesson FiveThemes of Parables (Matthew 13, 18, 20–22, 24)17 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Matthew 13, 18, 20–22, 24
In | Types of Parables
In | Parables of Growth and Grace
In | People Types in the Kingdom
In | Judgment and Crisis in the Kingdom
In | The Parable of the Sower
In | Workbook: The Parable of the Sower
Behind | Agricultural Images in Jesus’ Teaching
Behind | Lost Sheep Parable
Behind | Irony in Jesus' Parables
In Front | Read and Respond
In Front | Christianity Today: A Tale of Two Brothers
In Front | Christianity Today: The Other Prodigal Son
In Front | Workbook: Read and Respond
In Front | The Bible's Binary Vision
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 64
Lesson 1, Activity 14
In Front | Workbook: Living by Faith in the Overlap of the Ages
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
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Grab your Workbook Journal!
[Record your answers in the workbook provided at the beginning of this course.]
- What struggles do you face living in the overlap of the ages?
- What hopeful evidence do you have of the age to come?