Divine Encounters: Mapping Your Spiritual Life

This course is designed to prepare you spiritually and emotionally as you begin your biblical and theological studies.


Welcome to Divine Encounters: Mapping Your Spiritual Life, a course designed to prepare you spiritually and emotionally as you begin your biblical and theological studies. You have a desire to know more about the Bible and to develop your relationship with God. Sometimes forward movement can occur most effectively after a backward look.

  1. Recognize specific ways in which God has been involved in your life and experiences.
  2. Identify ways in which God motivates through divine promises.
  3. Define perfection in the context of spiritual formation.
  4. Create a life map recounting significant relationships, events, and influences in your life from early childhood to the present.
  5. Develop a healthy relationship with a mentor who will walk with you in your ongoing spiritual journey.
  6. Articulate the concept of spiritual formation and state its ultimate goal.
  • Please take this course it will help you balance your life with Jesus.

    — Fer, United States
  • An excellent course on spiritual formation, that helps me map out my own spiritual journey. In so doing, I become more aware of my divine encounters, the purposes which God has been molding me towards, and his wonder of God's grace in the midst of my brokenness and weaknesses. A course to be taken reflectively. A course even to be re-visited at a different juncture of life, to recollect what God has been doing or to rediscover what He will be doing.

    — Weng Yuen, Singapore
  • It was a bit deeper than I expected, but I did learn from it. Especially helping with being "holy". I do think a lot of people think they live a perfect sinless life, but that just isn't true. I think it was explained well in this course.

    — John, United States
  • I have found this course to be profoundly challenging, and helpful in developing my own understanding of who I am, and how the Lord both sees and deals with me. The last session highlighting the purpose for which we exist really crowns and completes the previous sessions. Very well thought out and constructed, I feel sure the precepts and principles I have encountered in this course will bear more fruit in the months ahead as they become assimilated and embedded into my journey of Discipleship. Thank you for making this course available.

    — Michael, United Kingdom
  • The course definitely made me think and recall events that I had all but forgotten from my childhood and early adult life and marvel how the Lord had led me through them.  

    — Jaideep, India
  • I found the 70x7 course much more helpful.

    — Vicki, Canada
  • I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I intend to keep up with the mapping exercise. It also helped a lot as I'm currently writing a book specifically about God's intervention in my life.

    — Lisa, Trinidad & Tobago
  • Thank you so much for the course.

    — Toni, South Africa
  • It helps me to reorganize myself. To retrospect my past, learn to appreciate more of God's sovereignty in guiding, teaching and molding me in my life. Thank God for giving me the opportunity in this discovery.

    — Sook ching, Singapore
  • It's very helpful as it's my first time to complete a life mapping.

    — Grace, Singapore
  • Although the course had some useful theology, its use of Roman Catholic mysticism is very problematic and thus I cannot recommend the course to other Protestant Christians.

    — Russell, Canada
  • Clear instructions on life mapping

    — Kim cheng, Singapore
  • This course is very telling. It draws out my inner being. I am content to know I can leave the past and still be on the road to make myself, with the Lord's help, more Christ like. I learned so much about myself and how to move forward. Awesome lessons!

    — Laurie, United States
  • This course was not helpful to me at all. I even gave up on the discussion questions. This was absolutely the worst course I have taken so far. I'm sure it is helpful to some but for me, it was a waste of time and so frustrating that I will be honest enough to say that I just clicked through it.

    — Kathleen, United States
  • Very good exercises that revealed things about myself.

    — Alvin, United States
  • I really appreciated Dr. Worgul's candor and clarity in writing. I also appreciate the reading suggestions we were given. Not overwhelming, but very insightful!

    — Chelsea, United States
  • He makes it real to me. However, different our situation and background are, i can identify.

    — Solus, United States
  • This course is causing me to take a deeper look at my life in such a way I’ve never done before. It’s helped in showing me the different ways God has worked in my life. It’s helped me to better understand why God allows certain things to happen in our lives. It’s showed me how much more God loves me and knows what is best for each individual.

    — Evon, United States
  • Good class!

    — Kim, United States
  • Useful teaching to become like Christ even though we are sinners such as King David.

    — Aram, United States
  • Interesting

    — Katherine, United States

Course Content

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Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Five
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Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 5 Lessons
  • 18 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Discussion Questions

John Worgul, PhD