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Passion of Christ
Lesson OneFrom Triumphal Entry to Criminal’s Arrest (Luke 19–23)21 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Luke 19–23
In | The Journey into Jerusalem
In | The March of the Shepherd
In | A King on a Mule in 1 Kings 1:33-34
In | Cleansing the Temple
In | Peter and Judas: Betrayal and Denial
In | Civil Insurrection
In | Workbook: Judicial Proceedings - The Three Trials of Jesus in Luke
In | Judicial Proceedings - The Three Trials of Jesus in Luke
In | Pilate's Struggle
Behind | Jerusalem at Passover
Behind | The March of the Lambs
Behind | Onsite: Crushed with Grief - With Jesus on his Last Night
Behind | 360 View: The Olive Press
Behind | Blasphemy and the Death Sentence
Behind | Jewish Insurrection and Roman Law and Politics
In Front | Which Jesus Do We Want?
In Front | Charles V Prayerbook: The Triumphal Entry of Emperor Heraclius
In Front | Onsite: Palm Sunday Procession - Judgment for Jerusalem
Getting Started
Lesson TwoDeath of the Messiah: Crucifixion and Burial (Matt 27, Mark 14:1–15:20, Luke 23, John 19)24 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Matt 27, Mark 14:1–15:20, Luke 23, John 19
In | Workbook: Eschatological Prophecies and Jesus' Fate in Matthew
In | Eschatological Prophecies and Jesus' Fate in Matthew
In | Workbook: The Parallel Deaths of John the Baptist and Jesus in Matthew
In | Jesus and Isaiah 53
In | Cosmic and Ceremonial Signs
Behind | The Curse in Deuteronomy 21
Behind | Forms of Crucifixion
Behind | Objectives of Crucifixion
Behind | The Tomb
Behind | Purity and Impurity
In Front | Following Jesus to the Cross
In Front | Onsite: Via Dolorosa Stop #1 - The Sentencing Pavement
In Front | 360 View: Stations of the Cross Stop #1 - The Sentencing Pavement
In Front | Onsite: Via Dolorosa Stop #2 - Church of the Condemnation
In Front | 360 View: Stations of the Cross Stop #2 - Church of the Condemnation
In Front | Onsite: Via Dolorosa Stop #5 - Simon Cyrene Carries the Cross
In Front | 360 View: Stations of the Cross Stop #5 - Simon Cyrene Carries the Cross
In Front | Onsite: Via Dolorosa Final Stops - Church of the Holy Sepulchre
In Front | Scripture Meditation in Holy Week: Abuna Bertie
In Front | Christianity Today: Tracing the Footsteps of Jesus
In Front | Christianity Today: The Crucifixion Was an R-rated Event
Getting Started
Lesson threeSuffering Messiah (Psalm 22, Is 53, Zech 1–13)19 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Psalm 22, Is 53, Zech 1–13
In | A Suffering Messiah and Two Communities of Interpretation
In | The Servant Songs
In | Psalms of Lament
In | The Two Plots of Scripture
In | Workbook: The Psalms in the Passion
Behind | A Suffering Messiah
In Front | Living in the Two Plots of Scripture
In Front | Christianity Today: The Glory of the Cross
In Front | Christianity Today: Jesus Suffers with Us—and We with Him
In Front | Michael Card's "Tears of the World"
In Front | The Passion of Jesus and Christian Baptism
In Front | Workbook: Jesus and Ancient Teachers - G. K. Chesterton’s 'The Everlasting Man'
In Front | Workbook: The Early Church and the Saving Work of Jesus
In Front | Workbook: The Solidarity of the Passion
In Front | Workbook: Atonement: An Open Conversation
In Front | Atonement: An Open Conversation
Getting Started
Lesson FourSacrifice and Passover (Mark 14:1–26, Luke 22:1–46, John 13–14)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Mark 14:1–26, Luke 22:1–46, John 13–14
In | Sacrifice and Atonement
In | Passover Meal and Sacrifice
In | Passover and the Lord’s Supper
In | Bible Project: Sacrifice and Atonement
Behind | On What Day Did Jesus Really Die?
Behind | Shepherd and Sheep: Preparing for Passover
Behind | Onsite: The Centrality of Blood - A Lamb Slaughter at a Bedouin Camp
Behind | Onsite: Samaritan Passover
In Front | The Last Supper and the Lord’s Supper
In Front | Christianity Today: Jesus Didn’t Eat a Seder Meal
In Front | Christianity Today: Why Christians Can Celebrate Passover, Too
Getting Started
Lesson FiveResurrection and Witnesses (Ezek 37:1-14, 47:1-12, Matt 28, John 16, 20)20 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Ezek 37:1-14, 47:1-12, Matt 28, John 16, 20
In | Resurrection in the Old Testament
In | Mount of Olives
In | Resurrection as Exaltation
In | First Fruits
In | Workbook: Resurrection - Three Recognition Scenes in Luke
In | Resurrection - Three Recognition Scenes in Luke
In | Workbook: The Four Gospel Accounts of the Women’s Visit to the Tomb
In | Death and the Giving of the Spirit
In | Giving of the Spirit: Elijah and Elisha
Behind | Views on the Resurrection
Behind | The Case for Christ
Behind | Onsite: The Garden Tomb - He is Risen!
Behind | Onsite: Chapel of the Ascension - On the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem
In Front | Testimony and Eyewitnesses
In Front | Onsite: Eyewitnesses - The Empty Tomb and the Power of the Gospel
In Front | Resurrection Life and the Age to Come
In Front | Christianity Today: The Resurrection Changes Everything
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 59
Lesson 1, Activity 9
In | Workbook: Judicial Proceedings – The Three Trials of Jesus in Luke
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
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Grab your Workbook Journal!
[Record your answers in the workbook provided at the beginning of this course.]

- After viewing the three trials together what did you find most striking? What did you notice that hadn’t occurred to you before?