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Give, Save, and Spend - Financial Discipleship Study

  1. Lesson One
    Starting Well
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  2. Lesson Two
    Counsel, Debt and Saving
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  3. Lesson Three
    Generosity and Investing
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  4. Lesson Four
    Work and Honesty
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  5. Lesson Five
    Crisis and Eternity
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  6. Lesson Six
    Finishing Well
    7 Activities
  7. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    2 Activities
    1 Assessment
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Memory Verse

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men . . . It is the Lord Christ whom you serve” (Colossians 3:23-24).

“You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another” (Leviticus 19:11).

Colossians 3:23-24 and Leviticus 19:11

Open in Prayer

Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you begin reading passages of Scripture. Ask for clarity and insight as you engage in God’s Word.

Scripture Reading

  • Read Genesis 2:15-17
  • Read Genesis 3:17-19
Apply Your Learning

Lesson Projects

Projects are designed to help you apply the information you learn in a lesson. Some courses consist of one project per lesson, while others might have one project for the entire course. Projects are provided in PDF format, which you can download, fill out, and either print out and store or save as a digital document for future reference.

Access your Lesson Project (pdf).


Building a Résumé

A lot of people in your age bracket won’t bring a résumé with them to a potential employer; those that do will have a significant edge by appearing to be more professional.

Here are some tips for putting a résumé together:

Activities: Since most people in your season of life haven’t held a lot of jobs, showcase your involvement in school activities, volunteer work, academics and athletics. This will help employers see your commitment, skills and work ethic.

Awards, Recognition and Performance: Employers will also be interested in your performance and attitude. This can be seen by highlighting any awards or accomplishments; perfect attendance in school, captain of a sports team, academic and athletic awards and volunteer recognition.

Proofread your Résumé: Always review your résumé and make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. Ask a parent or a teacher to proofread your résumé and make any suggestions.

Recommendations: Ask teachers, coaches, pastors and adult friends for written recommendations. You can create a simple website with copies of these recommendations and place a link to the recommendations on your résumé. You may also want to bring hard copies of these recommendations with you when meeting with a potential employer.

Download the Résumé Worksheet (PDF)


If you are looking to embark on a full-time career, we’d encourage you to look into an online résumé builder to help build your résumé. While the principles and suggestions from the résumé provided in this study can be helpful, the résumé builders have the additional benefit of coaching you during every step of the résumé building process.

There is usually a cost associated with these sites, but is well worth the investment. Click here for a list of the top 10 résumé building websites.

Essential Resources

Compass Commentary

God created the concept of work as something to be enjoyed and pleasurable. With work man also had freedom to partake of anything in God’s creation, except for the fruit of one particular tree. When Adam and Eve sinned, work became difficult and not as fulfilling as it was originally designed to be. All of a sudden, work was painful, hard and exhausting, producing not what was desired, but thorns and thistle, instead of beneficial outcomes. As soon as you stop caring for a lawn, vineyard, orchard or field of corn, even for a short period of time, weeds, insects and disease overtake it. This is an example of the frustration that sin brought to all of our work.