Give, Save, and Spend - Financial Discipleship Study
Lesson OneStarting Well9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoCounsel, Debt and Saving9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeGenerosity and Investing9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourWork and Honesty9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveCrisis and Eternity9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixFinishing Well7 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion2 Activities|1 Assessment
Participants 188
Eternity and Judgment – Discussion
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What in the notes did you find revealing, challenging or interesting?
Tagged: BF110-05
What in the notes did you find revealing, challenging or interesting?
Wendy Scantlebury-Momoh replied 1 month, 1 week ago 14 Members · 21 Replies
This opened my eyes to how important the unseen is and that I have been paying too much time on the seen.
I think of weathering the storm as a test of our faith in God. The crisis is temporary and God knows what HE is teaching is necessary for our good. Praying and receiving his plan is crucial to our hearts and minds as we undergo the crisis.
It is humbling to know that my sin debt has been paid in full by Jesus. He made the way for me to go to heaven when I die via his death on the cross and subsequent resurrection. To live a life that is submitted to Him is an honor. The reward that I will receive through salvation is worth far more than I could ever hope to pay. It is the most priceless and precious free gift ever given to man.
We are really just pilgrims passing through this life. Migrants on a mission. So, I am not to get attached to stuff here. It is all temporary and fleeting. I must focus on my ultimate goal instead, heaven!
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Who are people that have had an impact on your journey with the Lord?
Tagged: BF110-05
Who are people that have had an impact on your journey with the Lord?
Raymond Tong replied 3 months, 2 weeks ago 13 Members · 12 Replies
My parents trained me up and I’ve had a church family that has helped me develop my relationship with God.
My very best friend Sarah and her husband Chuck have had a profound impact on my journey with the Lord. Numerous other friends, my fiance’ Joseph, my Great Grandmother Hunt, many teachers and preachers, more than a few singers, and lots of other people of faith that I am honored to know or have known all have shaped my walk with Christ in one way or another. Whether they were just passing by or lifelong acquaintances, they all had an impact.
My mentor, my cousin and wife. Some people in the church that gone to heaven .
I study with all that claim to be Christian, but the biggest impact was my experience living among a society of people who did not have much more that Christ Jesus. I started my journey with Christ when I was as young as four-year-old. My family was not Christian, but they believed in kindness and also gave Christ consideration.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What does it look like to know God personally?
Tagged: BF110-05
What does it look like to know God personally?
Stacey Oswald replied 6 months, 1 week ago 12 Members · 11 Replies
Knowing and believing in God was a huge decision that changed my whole life. I am saved freely by grace through faith, and my reward is eternal life.
To know God personally is to establish a solid and lasting friendship with Him. He is my very best friend. I tell Him about everything and talk with Him frequently on a daily basis. I share His love with others every chance I get. I have the awesome privilege of communicating with God through prayer and Bible study. He gives my life purpose and direction. He is the very air that I breathe and I cannot exist without Him. He is my Good Shepherd and I know His voice and follow only Him. He leads and I follow. To know God personally is very humbling too. So less of me and more of Him in me daily. “He must increase and I must decrease” (John 3:30). The true meaning of knowing God personally is to recognize God as my everything…Father, Brother, Teacher, Guide, Lover, Best Friend, and so much more all rolled up into one!
Words cannot describe how great it is to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, oh I love Him. God change my life forever and won’t change anything.
It makes you feel like you possess a special kind of magic that makes everybody better.
If we say we know Him, we will seek Him through repentance, fellowship, prayer, worship and His Word. We will seek to know Him and be a doer of the Word. We will love God and love our neighbors, and share our time, talents and resources to further the Kingdom of God here. We will be willing and capable of sharing the good new of Christ with others. This includes sharing our testimony and clearly and lovingly articulating why we believe.