Apologetics Basics

In this course we provide a foundational understanding of Christian Apologetics and seek to provide basic answers to the major questions raised against the Christian faith.


Apologetics Basics is designed to provide a foundational understanding of what Christian Apologetics is and why it is important to practice. According to 1 Peter 3:15, all believers are called to defend the faith they hold dear. This course will examine that call and seek to provide basic answers to the major questions that are commonly raised against the Christian faith.

  • Gain a basic understanding of the study of Christian apologetics and its importance in a believer’s life.
  • Formulate a foundational answer to the most common questions asked of the Christian faith related to God’s existence, the Bible, and core Christian beliefs.
  • This course answers many questions about creation and why the teachings of the Bible are accurate. If you are curious about the truth of the Bible or need to add knowledge, this course is for you

    — Fredrick, United States
  • J’invite surtout les chrétiens qui débutent dans la foi à s’arrêter à chacune Des leçons . Ces questions fondamentale , nous commençons à nous les poser nous-mêmes avant d’y répondre pour autrui. Voilà pourquoi je recommanderais fortement à un étudiant Débutant de le faire. Ceci lui permettra d’seulement de répondre aux questions des autres, mais surtout évoluer par rapport à ces thématiques très complexes , et qui expliquent la nécessité de l’évangile.

    — Robert, Canada
  • I enjoyed the lectures and supplemental reading materials. Being able to complete a writing project after each lecture helped me sort out my answers for the tough, faith-challenging questions.

    — Diane, United States
  • This course is truly beneficial for anyone wanting to get an in-depth understanding of why we believe what we believe and how to give a truly thought out answer. It is very clear and concise.

    — Clevette, United States
  • This was a very good overview and introduction to Christian apologetics. It concisely covered all of the basics that need to be truly understood when studying this subject further.

    — Helen, United States
  • This course inspires me to learn more.

    — Terri, United States
  • I really enjoyed this course. I had a friend who went through school for Apologetics and hey were very good and giving an answer to the "why." This course was a good introduction as to the why and how.

    — Matt, United States
  • Excellent! Each lesson could be an entire course with so much more to learn. Thank you.

    — Janice, United States
  • This course made me realize what it means to be a Christian and how to speak to others who are not following Jesus at this time.

    — Michael, United States
  • I have learned more about my faith through this teaching.

    — Michael, United States
  • Wonderful class! I have very much enjoyed the reading material and application lessons. This information will be very useful! Now I must use and not lose it.

    — Rick, United States
  • I recently came back to God. This course has helped me to gain an understanding of my salvation and strengthened my faith in God through Jesus Christ.

    — William, United States
  • Comparing this to other online Christian courses, this one was comprehensive, to the point and most informative.

    — Jade, Australia
  • I very much enjoyed the course, the topic, and the platform. As a full time teacher, this is such an easy way for me to get these types of courses into my schedule. Thank you so much!

    — Lisa, United States
  • My initial thoughts about learning Apologetics were a little intimidating because I thought the topic was for theologians. However, the lessons in this course were taught in an understandable way that allowed me to be confident in sharing with others.

    — Nicole, United States
  • This course has helped me revisit the fundamentals of Christian apologetics. The contents were very organized and easy to understand. Thank you very much!

    — Mizuho, Japan
  • The course is very good, prompting me to think about the issues discussed and better recognize topics for which I need to be prepared to addressed. It also caused me to see the relationship of God's purpose for life and how the Bible clearly guides us in defining that purpose. It highlighted that contemporary issues may seem more current than those the Bible speaks to, but that these contemporary issues are only more current variations on questions asked for eons, i.e., some stars are really galaxies, all matter is comprised of atoms and subatomic particles, that life begins and end ends and how we live between requires a search for purpose, that when life ends there is more.

    — Jeff, United States
  • I enjoyed this course! It was very informative and interesting! Thank you

    — Rachelle, United States
  • Loved the course. I learned a lot. The lessons were interesting and held my attention.

    — Shelly, United States
  • This course was encouraging and enlightening. I feel much better prepared to give an answer to questions I may be asked.

    — Penny, Canada
  • I am so happy that I took this course. I realized how little I knew and loved learning and applying with the quizzes. I can't wait to start the next course!

    — Penny, Canada
  • Even at the basic level; I am learning "things" I should have already known. PTL!!!!!

    — Tracy, United States
  • I learned new information that will help me to defend my faith in Jesus.

    — Malinda, United States
  • They’re not too overly in depth. It still answered a lot of questions and made a person think. I think it is a great start to apologetics which I have studied before. It brought out concepts that I hadn’t seen before.

    — Nancy, United States
  • I really loved this course. It really stimulated my thinking as a recent Christian believer (4 years). All topics were covered clearly and helped me understand on a really deep level why I believe what I believe. I have facts and figures ready to defend the faith in a gentle, loving way to all Christians and unbelievers. I have made comprehensive notes and have saved the lectures for future reference. God bless ODBU in your ministry.  

    — Joan, Jamaica
  • As an introduction to apologetics, this course is digestible, yet reasonably comprehensive (it is not shallow at all). I strongly recommend it. I believe that some Christians hold tightly to their religion, but only in a superstitious way (as I surmise from one of my fellow-students' response when I raised a question in a forum). This may be helpful for one's private devotion to God, but not helpful at all for evangelism to others. I strongly recommend Christians to take this course to be equipped to give a better reason for the hope that is in them.  

    — Weng Yuen, Singapore
  • I found parts of this course to be easy, and other parts challenged me to think deeper. In all, it was a very interesting course and I enjoyed it very much.

    — James, United States
  • Fabulous, I can't wait to learn more! Thank you.

    — Wendy, United States
  • My faith was strengthened by the material from this course and I thank God that I took it.

    — Mela, Nigeria
  • A fascinating course, especially lesson 6 on cosmology. How can anyone deny the existence of God with such facts in mind? This course gave me considerable ability to engage in (polite) conversation with my nonbelieving associates.

    — Don, United States
  • Good basic introduction to apologetics. Succeeded in motivating me to further study .

    — Robert, United States
  • I have been a Christian for many years but never read anything specifically on Christian apologetics. I appreciate that this course is clearly laid out, succinct but offering important points. It inspires me to want to learn more.

    — Rachael, Singapore
  • I wish I have taken this course earlier. It really help understand the world view of unbelievers. I can now effectively bring them to biblical view and share the hope I have in Christ Jesus.

    — Alfredo, United States
  • I am satisfied with the materials presented and the different styles of reading and learning offered for the course, while it lasted.

    — Teryila, United States
  • I really enjoyed the courses it has helped me greatly

    — Donald
  • Truly an amazing course. Thank you for the opportunity to partake.

    — Johann, United States
  • Thank you for making these facts available. Thank you also for the opportunity to really dissect many unclear facts that I needed to clear up. Wonderful course. Fantastic journey.

    — Johann, United States
  • This was really quite good. The course is fairly short but has meaningful content. The journal entries asked good questions. Some of the quiz questions are recall and so a bit picky but not a big issue.

    — David, United States
  • I prefer to listen to the instructor and follow along on the transcript….though the presenter spoke clearly I found he spoke a bit too fast.

    — Bethany Driggs, United States
  • I truly enjoyed the course, I did have trouble with the discussion questions in that they would not post. I lost quite a few to the cyber world. A nice lady on chat helped me and restored the POST option but, I am unsure if I need to redo or continue onward. I am looking forward to the next Courses.

    — Chris, United States
  • I thought this was a good introduction to Apologetics. I am a beginner, and I found this course to be very accessible and not overwhelming. Thank you for the offering.

    — Pamela, United States
  • Now I have a better understanding of what Apologetics is and I have tools to work with along with other resources including taking other courses.

    — David Eugene, United States
  • A very useful collection of lectures on some interesting subjects which has stimulated my desire, and awakended my need to progress further in the study of apologetics.

    — michael, United Kingdom
  • The course helps me to understand the types of questions that people may ask about my faith.  

    — Ooi loo, Malaysia
  • My neutrality on recommendation is based my introvert personality. I think this course is very helpful and I will definitely recommend to some family or when topic of conversation relates.

    — Kirby, China
  • The method of teaching in this course is very beneficial. Being able to hear and read the lecture to me is a very good teaching method.  

    — Anthony, United States
  • A wonderful course. A lot of my questions were answered.  

    — Everett, United States
  • Very good. I enjoyed this introductory course. It put concepts in context well.

    — Veda, United States
  • Good length, information, presentation, and test format.

    — Chantra, United States
  • Even though this is just the basics, it has provided meaningful material to assist in my growth to better be able to defend the Christian faith.

    — Kevin, United States

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Lesson Eight
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Course Wrap-Up
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Course Details

  • Low Effort
  • 8 Lessons
  • 15 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

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David Frees, MDiv and ThM