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The Gospel of Matthew
Lesson OneOverview of Matthew (Matt 1, 18, 27–28)13 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Matt 1, 18, 27–28
In | Workbook: Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus
In | Key Features and Patterns in Matthew
In | Key Themes
In | Matthew and the Church
In | Workbook: Triadic Structure in Matthew
In | Workbook: Judas and the Old Testament in Matthew - The Betrayal of Jesus and King David
Behind | Gematria
Behind | Midrash
Behind | Jewish Liturgy
In Front | The Importance of the OT for NT Believers
Getting Started
Lesson TwoIsrael's Story and Mission (Matt 2–4, 11–15)15 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Matt 2–4, 11–15
In | Workbook: Moses and Joseph in Egypt
In | Typology
In | Ties to the Old Testament
In | Jesus as Fulfiller of the Mission of Israel
In | The Kingdom and the Fulfillment of Israel's Mission
In | Predictions, Prophecies, Promises and Foreshadow
Behind | Bethlehem
Behind | Jews and Gentiles
Behind | Onsite: A Threatened King - Herod's Palace Outside Bethlehem
Behind | Onsite: Judas and the Potter's Field - Echoes of Jeremiah
Behind | 360 View: Fishers of Men
In Front | O Little Town of Bethlehem
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeJesus and the Torah (Matt 5–7, 16–17, 23–25)18 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Matt 5–7, 16–17, 23–25
In | Jesus, the Teacher of Righteousness
In | Righteousness as Binding Community Value
In | Five Blocks of Teaching in Matthew
In | Walking in the Commandments
Behind | Takkanot
Behind | Alternate Views of Righteousness
Behind | Workbook: The Evangelical Triangle Rejects Jesus
Behind | Onsite: A Greater Righteousness - Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount
Behind | Binding and Loosing: Dr. Atef Ghendi
In Front | Exceeding the Righteousness of the Pharisees
In Front | Nonviolence and Nonresistance in the Sermon on the Mount Fulfilled in Jesus Passion
In Front | Workbook: Jesus Teaches Us to Pray
In Front | Matthew 23 and 2 Chronicles 24: The Lament over Jerusalem
In Front | Workbook: The Rhetorical Pattern of the Sermon on the Mount
In Front | Workbook: Jesus and Jeremiah's Prophetic Indictment of the Temple
Getting Started
Lesson Four"The Kingdom of God is Like..."10 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Matt 8–10, 19–22
In | A Kingdom for the Little, the Least and the Children
In | Bible Project: Matthew 14–28
In | Christianity Today: What You Probably Don’t Know about ‘The Least of These’
Behind | Children in Antiquity
Behind | Onsite: Moving a Mountain - Herod's Palace Fortress at Herodium
Behind | Onsite: Gathering Disciples - Tax Collectors and Fishers of Men
In Front | Childlike Faith
Getting Started
Lesson FiveAuthor and Audience13 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Matthew review
In | Workbook: Matthew the Tax Collector
In | Authorship
In | Workbook: Great Commission
In | Bible Project: Heaven and Earth
Behind | Matthew's Jewish and Gentile Audience
Behind | Predictions, Prophecies, Promises and Foreshadow
Behind | Matthew 24 and Dating Matthew
In Front | Jews First, Gentiles Second
In Front | "Church" for Jew and Gentile
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Matthew
Getting Started
Course Wrap-upCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 68
Lesson 1, Activity 10
Behind | Midrash
Lesson Progress
0% Complete