In | Workbook: Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus | Our Daily Bread University
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The Gospel of Matthew

  1. Lesson One
    Overview of Matthew (Matt 1, 18, 27–28)
    13 Activities
  2. Lesson Two
    Israel's Story and Mission (Matt 2–4, 11–15)
    15 Activities
  3. Lesson Three
    Jesus and the Torah (Matt 5–7, 16–17, 23–25)
    18 Activities
  4. Lesson Four
    "The Kingdom of God is Like..."
    10 Activities
    2 Assessments
  5. Lesson Five
    Author and Audience
    13 Activities
  6. Course Wrap-up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Grab your Workbook Journal!

[Record your answers in the workbook provided at the beginning of this course.]

Read Matthew 1:1-17, paying attention to the structure of the list and any names that are familiar to you.

  1. Why might Matthew start his Gospel with a genealogy? 
  1. List the names that you recognize and briefly note what you know about them.
  1. What names are interesting to you and why?
  1. This is the genealogy of Joseph. Why do you think Matthew lists Joseph’s genealogy and not Mary’s? 
  1. Do you find anything strange that Jesus is so closely linked to Joseph’s genealogy here? Why? How do you make sense of this?